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"Well it doesn't matter, we don't know what she is." Liam spoke through the phone.

"Dammit Liam, she's a flying telekinetic, how hard is that!" I grumbled. Liam was in the London branch of the League of Superiors, looking through the files for Supersonic.

"Niall, how many times do I have to tell you? She has to be something more, she's not in that section of the log. The closest thing to her is a woman named Sonic." He sounded like he was about to give up. I couldn't lose him now, I had no idea where the League of Superiors branch was here.

"Look into her file, sometimes superheroes name themselves after their parents." This was my last hope, if I didn't find her I would be stuck in a hole.

"Holy shit, it's her mom!" Liam shouted. I sat up in my chair, my attention completely devoted to Liam.

"Alright well read her profile out to me,"

"Sonic was a telekinetic and telepath who could fly. She had two children, Supersonic and a male who went missing as a teen. She died in 2001 protecting her daughter from villains who desired to kidnap Supersonic because of her abilities. Dude, her mom had two mental abilities, do you know how rare that was? And what abilities made villains want to kidnap Supersonic? I tried opening her profile, but it comes up as "file missing". Sorry man," Liam apologized. I heard him shut down the computer and gather his things.

"No, that's okay. I'm sure I'll be seeing her soon." I hung up after that, and stared out the window. Her parents must have requested to have her file removed when they were alive. What happened to her brother? Did he just get up and leave, or was he like her and was kidnapped?

"What the hell are you?" I muttered subconsciously.

I decided that I needed to go to the nearest library to find something to read. I needed a distraction. Within fifteen minutes, I was already walking up the giant steps to the library entrance. I pulled the massive doors open with ease, the cool air conditioning enveloping me instead of the stuffy summer air.

I stared in awe at the library, filled with books that stimulates the mind into the greatest fantasies. Books were amazing.

I started wandering towards the fiction section before I passed a girl and a guy around my age, crowded around a newsstand. They were arguing over something on the cover of the newspaper. And then I realized that it was me.

"You only like Swift because you think he's cute!" He grumbled, clearly annoyed.

"No, I like him because he's strong and smart, unlike Supersonic. She's bitchy and acts like she owns New York." She fought back. The boy rolled his eyes.

"Supersonic is confident, she doesn't take crap from anyone. You think that if she was here right now, she would even care what you said? She knows who she is, and she knows she's hot." He smirked at the end, obviously trying to make the girl jealous.

I walked away from them and into the maze of bookshelves. I ran my fingers along spines of the books until I found one that might interest me. I opened the book, reading the first few pages, but didn't have the desire to read more. I pushed the book back onto the shelf, but a few books on the other side tumbled to the floor.

"Shit," someone mumbled.

"Sorry," I whispered as I turned the corner to help pick up the books. I met face to face with dark eyes, boring into mine.

"It's okay, I guess. Happens all the time."

She smiled. Her long dark hair was twisted into a thick braid, and was resting on her shoulder and a floral dress hung around her body.

"Yeah," I mumbled in confusion. She looked familiar to someone I knew, but acted completely different than them. She began to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and she turned back to me.

"Tell me your name," I blurted out.

She smiled sweetly before she spoke, "I'll tell you if I see you again." I laughed as she walked around the corner, but when I went to follow her, she disappeared. I even searched the surrounding isles, but she was gone.

So much for getting away from a distraction. I returned home soon, thinking of the possible places I would know the girl at the library from, but I drew nothing. I had only been in New York for a week, there was no way I could know her.

So many questions, so little answers.

i feel like my chapters are really short even though I worked really hard to make them longer, ugh

supersonic. << n.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora