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"What are you doing here?" Dad asked as he laid a fresh set of waffles in front of me.

"I got some things stuck in my throat,"

"I hope they're not what I'm implying." Dad smirked and laughed. I slapped his arm with a rolled newspaper and continued eating my breakfast.

"You're disgusting," I groaned.

"Not as disgusting as your brother. Headquarters say that he's on his way to New York to find you."

"He's obviously in for a surprise," I snorted. My dad rolled his eyes at my sarcastic behavior and placed his palms flat on the table.

"When he finds out that you're not there, he's going to kill all of your friends until there's no one left or you return to the city and face him."

"I guess we should start planning several funerals then."

"Kaylie Marie Roy!"

"For God's sake, what?" I whined and buried my fingers into my tangled hair.

"Don't pretend that you don't care about them, don't pretend that you're not in love with that one boy." I laughed sadistically at his mention of Niall and the thought of me ever loving him or caring about anyone who remained in New York. After settling down, I concededly brushed a few strands of hair away from my face and started inspecting my nails.

"I love no one, not even you." I pushed my seat back, stood, and confidently strode out of the room.

"I said those words to your mother once,"


"Boss, what's the emergency?" I questioned upon arrival to the New York Headquaters. The extremely large series of meeting rooms and offices were hidden underneath the library that flourished downtown. It was definitely a quiet kept secret.

"Take a seat and I'll explain everything shortly." Captain Williamson sighed and lead me into a conference room.

Seated at the table were Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn, all looking as confused as I felt. I sat towards the end of the table, not too far from the boys but not too close to the really awkward note takers who wore suits and sat at the far end of the table.

"Good evening, everyone." Captain greeted, getting everyone's attention. His greying hair added to his assumed sophistication and power when he spoke.

"Everyone remember the Roy family, creating some of our most valuable superiors, I assume?" Everyone nodded or mumbled some affirmation.

"Mr. Roy, the famed trainor, Mrs. Roy or Sonic, the nation's fallen heroine, Kaylie Roy, Supersonic, New York's own, and their missing brother and son, Anthony. Well, Anthony isn't so missing anymore. Rumor has it that he's currently on his way aspiring to kill Kaylie." Despite there being less than twenty people in the room, a hundred gasps echoed on the walls.

"Speaking of our favorite, where is she?" Everyone started to twist and turn in their chairs looking for Kaylie, except for myself who nervously tapped my foot on the floor.

What if she's dead, there's no way she could've survived that fight. There was too much blood on the floor, but how did she leave? Did she stumble down the stairs and die in the street? Did I kill her?

My fears screamed in my head and made my hands clammy.

"Danny, do you know where is?" Liam asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

Shit, he's been listening to my thought.

Yes, yes I have.

"She said she was leaving, I don't know where to though. She might've gone back to California to her dad." I answered, my voice trembling more than my hands.

"In the back," Captain directed the attention to the note takers, who looked like deer in headlights under everyone's gaze.

"Make yourselves useful and find her location. If she's not here before Anthony arrives, we are all as good as dead."


"You need to go back,"


"Danny probably misses you so much."

"Danny thinks I'm dead."

"What? Why?"

"He tried to kill me." I bounce my black checker over his last four reds, conquering the game.

"Dammit Kaylie!" My dad cursed and I laughed at his frustration. This was our fourth game and he hadn't even come close to winning. The phone rang and I got up to answer it.


"Mr. Roy?" The woman on the other line asked. She sounded almost completely fearful of our name.

"It's his daughter Kaylie, can I take a message?" The line went silent for a moment and she stuttered over a few inaudible words.

"Hello?" A male voice sounded over the phone, obviously confused.

"Umm, hi?"

"Kaylie? This is Captain Williamson. We called to ask your father if he knew where you were but it looks like we already know! We need to discuss and arrange some things." Captain sounded serious, almost worried

"Shouldn't be anything too bad, right? I mean nothing's worse than that time when your wife found out that you ki–"

"Kaylie, we swore we wouldn't bring that up again. Besides, it actually is worse than that. That should scare you because I had several blenders thrown at my head. Kaylie, you need to return to New York."

"Yeah, that's going to be a problem. Do you know how many people tried to kill me already this week? I kinda don't want to add to that."

"Your friends will be there to help protect you while you attempt to kill your brother."

"My friends are the ones who tried to kill me." Captain sighed, probably rubbing his temples like he often did when I wouldn't cooperate.

"Kaylie, don't make me have to d—"

"You wouldn't dare order me to do anything, you know better."

"You're forgetting who's in charge,"

"I'm always in charge, no exceptions."



"John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1200 hours. A ride will be waiting for you." Captain then hung up the phone, leaving me standing their speechless in my father's living room. Captain had never ordered me to do anything since I've met him. He's always asked me politely, even when he was cheating on his wife with me, he never ordered me to do anything.

I slowly turned on my heels, trudging my way back to my room. My suitcase was barely opened since my arrival three days ago. Nothing was back to normal yet, I couldn't go home yet.

"Where you going now?" Dad questioned when he saw my suitcase by the door that night.

"Captain ordered me back in New York,"

"He ordered you? Something really bad must be going on."

"Nothing's going to be worse than when I step foot off that damn plane. Someone's loosing a head."

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