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"Anthony is planning to strike today. He's already seen me, know where I stayed last night, and has some sort of surprise for me." I explained in front of the conference standing next to Captain. Everyone was in their suits, prepared for an attack at any minute. Anthony was unpredictable.

"Could it be something like that Neuton's Cradle you got?" Liam asked.

"I've ruled that out, it couldn't have been Anthony. He wasn't part of the family long enough to know the formula. I didn't tell Kaylie until she was about to leave for New York when she was eighteen." Dad mentioned. He wore his regular attire to blend in with a crowd until Anthony was detained.

Niall, Danny and the boys were in their suits, along with Luke, who wore his black suit that hugged his strong biceps tightly.

Paying attention to the rest of the meeting was a struggle. Luke insisted to get inside my head with his mental projection. He took me to a forest where there was peace and quiet. Luke wore a button down and his suit pants and I wore a sweet sundress as if I were eighteen again.

"I know you're mad at me, but I still love you. Sundresses or not." He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly, easing out of my mind and back into reality. No one but he and I were aware of what happened.

We took our seats at the table when my dad took over to talk about strategy and when to interfere.

I slid back into the forest, this time at night when it was dark and wet. I was alone except for a predator who had already found me, just waiting to pounce.

"Little Marie," the predator called. I couldn't find it, I couldn't move, breathe, think, anything. I was the perfect target.

"Luke, stop fucking with my head." I whispered over. He touched my hand and the mix between hallucination and reality confused my brain. I was seeing Luke in reality in my fantasy.

"Kaylie, I'm not doing anything."

"Little Marie!" It screamed. The sound was so painful that I screamed, my ears probably bleeding from the deafening sounds.

My predator, a mountain lion, steeped out of the shadows and pounced. I flinched to protect myself, but the cat hadn't even wanted me. It wanted Luke.

By the time I had turned around, the cat had ripped Luke's head from his body. Snarling as it's green eyes focused on mine, I knew I was its next target.

"Luke! Luke, stop please, stop!" I screamed. I felt the cat grab my body, and I started fighting their grasp. I tried to run but the lion dragged me back, holding on tightly.

"Kaylie, wake up!"

Snarling, growling, snickering. I was this animal's toy, and I was going to die at the teeth claws if this feline as it stood over my paralyzed body.

"Luke, stop it I'm scared." I jumped out of my dream just before the lion killed me, gasping and choking on air.

"Kaylie, what happened?"

"Luke, it's Anthony." I breathed as I tried to calm myself in Luke's arms. I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

I could hear everyone's confusing thoughts of Luke and my shared affection. Niall was thinking about how much of a slut I was, which I didn't care much about because he's only jealous that he didn't get me in his bed and Danny was still confused about how I was still alive after last week.

"Yep. Thank you, we are on our way!" My dad mumbled into the phone and hung up.

"Anthony is here. Right on the street in front of the library. He's found us." Dad turned and motioned for everyone to prepare for battle.

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