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"Harry, get the people out of the building! Zayn, Louis, help the firefighters, Liam, make sure that no one is left behind! Niall, push all the cars out of the way!" I yelled orders at the boys. Harry flashed away, Liam following behind, but not as fast as Harry's lightning speed. Zayn's ability to harvest electricity wasn't going to be much help, and Louis' invisibility wouldn't be either. Niall's strength, however, would remove the buildup of cars that caused the fire.

I flew up into the sky, hoping to get a better view of the accident, and maybe scope out some survivors that I may have missed. But when I saw nothing, I lowered my altitude, and floated along the rooftops. That's when I saw it. White. It was lying low. He was lying low, watching the boys work below him, then turned his attention to me. Once he noticed that I was watching him, he bolted from the roof.

I tried following him, but as soon as I set my feet on the cobblestone rooftop, everything went black.

My head and body throbbed, but I felt weightless. One eye opened, and the boy in white was there, clutching me in his arms. His green eyes stood out from his white mask, and his jawline was sharp.

I tried reading his thoughts but I got nothing, and he smirked when he realized that I was trying to.

"Wh-who are you?" I muttered, extremely worn out. My eyelids were heavy and were barely able to stay open, but when he looked down at me, I saw his expression was of pain. Then I was out again.


"Kaylie, are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Niall tested all of my bones, none of them aching until he put pressure on my ribs. I screamed in pain, tears running down my cheeks. Niall jumped back, frantic that he caused the pain.

"Oh my god! Please don't cry, please! I'm really sorry!" Niall cried, laying his head on my chest. I bawled again, and Niall swore at himself, apologizing for a second time.

"Broken ribs, they're gonna take a few hours to heal, but we need to properly realign them before they set. If they set before they're in proper alignment, we're going to have to re-break her bones." Liam said, examining the damage. There was a small pool of blood soaking through my suit, and we decided we needed to get out of here.

"Where do we take her?" Harry mumbled, tugging at the curls in his hair.

"Yeah, we need to get her out of here, there's a crowd already gathering. Maybe we could let the firemen take her." Louis suggested. Niall shook his head, scolding Louis about how New York is different and my identity is sacred.

"Take me home. Danny and I have the top floor and the apartment is soundproof. It's three blocks from the library. Fairview Place." I told Niall. He looked at the other boys for approval, them gently slid his arms beneath me. Effortlessly, he lifted me off the ground and flew me home.

Entering through the back door, the boys and I rode the elevator to the top floor. Once they got to the apartment door, they banged on it until Danny swung it open.

"Why the hell are you banging on my door?" Danny growled. Liam pushed Danny inside, and Niall rushed in soon after.

"Where's her room?" Niall asked, obviously nervous. Danny pointed to a door on our right, and Liam shot in there. Niall tried to set me on my bed without causing any pain, but I hissed as soon as it touched me.

"Niall, get out of here. I'll call you if I need you." Liam demanded. Niall looked between Liam and I, then left, but not without hesitating first.

Liam unzipped my suit and peeled back the top half. He examined my injuries, his fingertips lightly dancing over the broken bones. He used his telepathy to keep me from talking and moving the detached bones, always checking to see how I was.

Everytime he pushed a rib back into place, I would whine or cry out. The top three ribs were set, but since it took so long, the bottom three healed incorrectly.

"I'll be right back," Liam spoke quietly. He silently left the room and shut the door behind him.



"Niall, I need your help." Liam spoke as he closed Kaylie's bedroom door. All of the boys in the room had their heads in their hands, or covering their ears, trying to block out her cries.

"What is it?" I asked, anxious.

"Three of her ribs already healed, and I'm not strong enough to break them."

"Uhm, I guess I could try it," I followed him across the living room and into her room. I turned my back to her as I closed to door, not ready to see her yet.

When I did face her, I was shocked. Her body was drenched in sweat, and she breathed in short strokes, fidgeting under pain. Her hair stuck to her face, and her torso was bruised and cut up.

"Niall," Liam began. "These three here." Liam dragged his finger along her last three ribs, each one of them looked odd under her skin. I kneeled beside her bed, my thumbs resting at the weak spot on one of her ribs. I sat there for a minute. I didn't think I could do this to her.

It's okay, I'll be okay. She told me. I looked her in her eyes, then looked down at my hands on her bare skin. It's okay.

It took almost no strength from me and the bone split, as well as my ears when she screamed. Liam worked to set it correctly, which was almost as painful as breaking it. I did the next two at the same time, wanting to end her pain as soon as possible. When those two broke, she let out a deafening cry and arched her back, causing even more pain. The vanity at the end of her bed began to tremble, as well as many other pieces of furniture in the room.

Danny burst into the room as rushed over to Kaylie, standing at her head.

"Let me see your eyes!" He yelled as the trembling turned to shaking. Something was really wrong.

I joined Danny at the head of the bed, and we shared concerned looks. We both looked down at her, waiting for her to open her eyes. Her jaw was clenched and her teeth ground together.

"Kaylie, open!" Danny demanded again. Seconds later, those brown eyes were gone. Red was there in place of them. Danny stood back, shocked.

"Why are her eyes red?" I asked, tripping over my words.

"They've been any other color, but not red!" Danny tugged on his hair and began pacing.

"What do we do?" I yelled over the rattling of everything in the room.

"Kiss her,"


"Niall, kiss her!" I leaned into her, cupping her face. In that moment everything stopped, and not just the shaking of the furniture. The world stopped spinning, the city stopped buzzing, and everything felt complete.

I'd hate to admit it, but I was in love.

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