67.Sometimes apologies never answered

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Marise last kneeling, she is sobbing up with bitter feeling "I am sorry," she said still sobbing "I could not take the rejection well" she is sobbing up painfully, he pulled his sister soaked frame-up by elbow he is shaking her to confess

Looking at her horrible state of marise, Andrew battling to speak with painfully inflaming Markin "Max... let's sit and tal.k" as expected Markin yelled on top of lungs "shut up..." he immediately closed his eyes in nervousness while marise startled with Markin snarling for another time "confess everything...make it clear, if you still want my forgiveness,"

She is on verge of her tears she could not meet Forth eyes feeling embarrassed for the antics she pulled on his husband, "I am sorry for lying to you, I hide about Ming pregnancy it is the day he is three weeks pregnant by the time I did the scan, now he is one month 20 days I am sorry .."

he felt limp all of a sudden, he did not care to answer her apology neither he did not pick his interest to ask her more questions to confess, he is quick with his strides to stroll out of the room finding Ming sitting with twinkle on his lap and they were laughing loud, looking at Ming playing with twinkle he felt overwhelmed even last minute when he took twinkle to their room they both have been playing a lot ignoring forth he slowly reach them placing a hand on Ming shoulder to get his attention

Feeling familiar warmth on his shoulder he raised his eyes to forth "Is it over"

Pressing his lips he nod, seeing ming playing with twinkle a smile formed on his lips he knelt to them and ming is asking with eyes for forth silence, forth slightly shook his head while twinkle smiles to forth causing forth eyes turn into mist

"p'forth," ming asking him what is wrong and forth smiled patting on twinkle head and ming understand forth is being emotional he held his palm on forth cheeks "don't worry,"

Forth leans up to ming forehead kissing him he wished in his heart praying his sweets 'to be safe'

"p'forth," ming strating to tear up and forth understand he hug with twinkle sitting on ming lap and watching her uncles hugging each other

Forth apologized "I am sorry, marise confessed,"

Ming is silently wetting forth shoulder and forth is hugging him tight "I am sorry ming"


While Andrew gulping in fear he hold markin elbow he knew markin is trembling which every ounce of energy that is left! He know how much he loves his princesses his sister used to be his everything he care her like a father he loved his sibling, Andrew witnessed the siblings love and he thought he is protecting the bond. This is the main reason Andrew could not speak for himself he mostly could not afford to see markin tall figure crumbling down he knew that would spoil every ounce of markin relation with his sister .

Even if he tell that his sister plot behind them. Markin would never believe him and even if markin listen to Andrew, markin will be struggling with the thoughts between Andrew and his sister, he don't want to live that life he never want to speak the crime out when he knew he will never get a justice but a prosecution of questions held by 'sylan' family, and he knew he don't have strength to answer all those court like questions, he simply thought to leave.

If Markin wants him if Markin believes him he will choose Andrew so he thought its best to leave than fight over the puzzled questions, even if the puzzle was solved the sylan family will never believe him and they will try to break the puzzle and reconstruct it because they love their princesses like no other day they believe their princesses like daughter like no other day their trust and believe their family will never be doing such things. They will try to convince Andrew or just say Andrew is faking it as he don't even remember the slightest from what happen in the club!

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