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During the break time everyone were gathered and having coffee in forth room,

Ming was trying to talk with kit who was drinking his coffee with disinterest "p'kit, talk to me once."

Kit nod getting up with coffee they were back to the sofa while remaining are sitting in opposite chairs of bureau table

"what is it ming?"

"p'kit, the packings I got, their are no paintings, I want them."

"lets discuss this latter, not now." Kit was back to sipping his coffee

"p'kit..you always trying to avoid this conversation with me," ming was pleading him

"what happen? are you two fighting!" forth intrude

"we are not fighting p'forth" ming replied in worry.

"ming, is asking for his stuff , I will send them..." he returned his gaze to ming don't worry." Kit covered their topic

ming is worried because kit is always avoiding the topic whenever he ask for his paintings ,

everyone left on their own work

forth and ming were left in the room, forth observe ming staring into space he held his palm holding the cheek to get his attention

ming did not even knew when forth was standing in front of him "yes phee" he answered

"evening after I done with work, let's go out for dinner"

ming nod his head with a smile and forth left the room he was left in the room being worried about his paintings those are his hard work,

paintings are the only thing he used to spend time, one time he was in an accident while riding his bicycle and broken his right hand wrist their will be a scar on his hand, ming was afraid to lose his paintings, he cannot drew his paintings anymore, to his afraid he cannot hold the paint brush for more than 15 minutes, if he stress the hand the hand would get swelling so he cared for his past paintings as he cannot draw them again like in old time.

Now kit is not answering he is most worried about his paintings and crying his heart out I hope my paintings would sound safe, he is chanting this every time hoping nothing would happen to his hard work,

after sometime he drifted to sleep when forth came in ming was sleeping in their resting room

"ming, wake up."

He woke up "ohh phee ! is your work done."

" its over, come lets go,"  they went over to the parking area, "why you looking so tired?"

"I am fine, lets go home ." he gave a smile back to forth worrisome face

Sitting "ming, lets go shopping." Forth suggested

" p'forth , I am not interested, let's go home."

"I even completed my work to take you on date." Forth is requesting again he wanted to spend some time with ming so he completed his work fast to take ming on shopping.

ming sat in silence and forth dragged him to some shopping

I shopping mall "ming, let's buy some matching outfits."

Ming tried to smile " lets do that." He is trying to keep up his spirit to be active by killing his bad mood.

"ming, let's try this." Forth was showing a shirt

"p' forth, that is half sleeve, I don't like it." He shook his head

"just let me see how you look in this shirt."

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