6.unknown feeling

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It's been a week ming is spending time like helping his mother in law and passing time in the library forth and ming are living like they don't exist

forth comes home for lunch and goes back to the hospital and they meet again for dinner and then go back to their bedroom with forth sleeping on bed and ming sleeps on floor in dressing room

in his house ming used to spend his time doing paintings, all the time it's his favourite thing to do, all of his work was left in his house he needs to bring them and start working again so he made a phone call to kit for getting help from his older brother, kit told him to come to the hospital for spending time because ming is winning saying he is getting bored staying home

now he was in hospital, in the third floor its lunchtime so he hopes kit is free from work

he was standing at the said door but he was shocked to see the nameplate he was standing in silence "what the heck!! this room says its Mr.forth Jaturapoom Jamornhum what is this!! I clearly told him to mention p'kit room." he angrily pulled out his phone dialing kit number

"phee kit, tell me where is your room? not p'Forth!!" he yelled

On the other side of the phone call kit was angry on ming "Ming, he is your husband and this is our hospital, everyone will blame you, you are married now, you should come to visit your husband, not me!! pay some respect and sit inside the room I will be there now!  anyways it is a lunchtime we all will gather there that is why I told you to come to forth room." snapping on ming, kit cut their phone call

what kit said is true he should be coming to meet his husband not kit, ming now understand why the entire staff was giving those pleasing looks they think he came to pay a visit to his husband, but he don't like this he just wants to return home

By the time he turn back he find forth standing behind him with a smile playing on his lips

"Ming" he exclaimed cheerfully welcoming him to his room he opens his room door widely asking ming to walk in

"kit informed me, you are here at my room."

Ming pressed his lips with a nod he walks behind forth into the spacious room, the room looks so pleasant in luxurious style with a bureau table and classy rose wood working chair and a comfortable one straight line black sofa and two single sofa set chairs sitting opposite to each other with a coffee table in the centre

Forth observes ming looking around the room "This is my working room, and there is a resting room too, if you want to rest up.."

he speaking continuously, ming was annoyed " Just stop, your acting phee!!, as if we are close to each other, stop acting as you care for me, and also I did not come here to meet you, I am here to meet my brother."

Ming yelled with annoyance his face was red and forth looked shocking on ming outrage, he did not understand what he did, just him speaking normally was causing ming to frustrate to this level

at that moment kit, beam, lam came into have lunch

today is lam birthday so, they are having lunch together when they came in kit can guess the awkward situation so, he behaving like he did not capture their situation and acted cool, "come on, today is lam birthday, let's have lunch all together."

everyone went in flow with kit, whereas ming and forth were silent and beam is observing the situation between forth and ming,

While having lunch forth is thinking to himself did I do any mistake why he is shouting on me I feel shy in front of my friends does he need to insult me I have never felt insulting nor anyone did not do this for me I have never remembered my parents scolding me, I am not acting why would I act towards him, of course, we're not close but what his problem is? I really cannot even shout back on him, what happens to me? is it really me!

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