Gushing with more happiness

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it was months later when everyone are recovered from their injuries, a day where ming was having his walk, he was near to his due date means a one week, he was glad everyone got saved from the accident and everyone got shaken when they find out its Mike!

When kit was abused in the elevator he told about the snake tattoo and filed a case of abuse, but Mike was a doctor and a candidate they just settled them with a small apology then it was stuck with Yo, about the snake tattoo the day he got abused in a dark room it was the same tattoo he had seen he informed Pha and his father and kongpob received the information on the same day sing underwent accident and described to kongpob about what happen!

Kongpob alerted everyone with secret security and then he find out their phones were even hacked he hired secret people for Park security.

Park and ming had a turmoil of emotions when they find out they were twins, after ming getting recovered on one day kongpob informed them that Park and ming were twins they were all beyond happy and Ria was happy with her sons, they have been living together and taking care of ming

Ming was discharged and was back to normal he recovered forth and himself took good care they stood strong for each other to help the foetus grow more healthy

still Park was back to hospital because of the accident he turned more anxious and putting lam at distance not only lam he is keeping everyone at distance. Ming is worried about Park health, it's been months the monster gang was silent but they have been recording everyone phones, tracing their navigations still they cannot find anyone of them especially Mike he is nowhere to be found not even a trace, its been clear that he is underground with the help of some mafia and they have been being careful

Jack after realization of sins he committed he surrender himself in the police station but none of his sons or wife did not file any case on him and police set him free, the night of the accident onwards jack settled at the temple steps praying god to stop punishing his sons for his sins and take his life instead! He have been staying in the temple praying for Park recovery and ming's birth, no one ever visited jack neither he did not receive any forgiveness from his family he was literally abounded like a trash and he knew he deserve this!

Jack left the hospital shares to forth and Kit, remaining shares which were on his name were transferred into Park name along with lam so that lam can be one of the director with forth, kit and then he also asked beam to return back to his work, he was on his knees for asking apology to jessy and rosy, then after he got himself settled in the temple and have been cleaning the temple lawn and steps praying to god to stop punishing his sons instead he is asking to take his life for the sins he comitted and now the hospital was having three directors and they are working stress free maintaining their schedules with their family.


When ria comes to check on ming in their garden he cannot find ming except for the empty milk cup lying on the ground she gasped calling for forth number

Forth dialling to kongpob number informing about ming missing shortly after Park went missing too, Park said to one of the security saying he is going to washroom, but kongpob was tapping the phone calls so he find out that Mike planned this he kidnapped ming first to have Park and kit come to him, he cussed getting into car and stepped on the gap pedal he checks the cctv recordings connected to his phone screen the two security guards at forth house were lying down, he was shocked and understand Mike kidnapped ming and got kit and Park too..

Forth, beam from hospital and kongpob from his bureau of investigation office started driving because they all have set secret gps they knew this will happen and they have to be careful because Mike was in underground while his father was taking care of his son well-being with high security with no fly reaching his son

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