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Ming decided to give a chance to his painting skills, forth told him to give it a try, as forth already found that ming was a lot more interested in painting than studying medicine..

Ming accepts that he was interested in painting, infact he got to know that it was not his hobby but he realised he want to take up painting as his own carrier.

After getting discharged from hospital, forth ask him to take rest at home for one week.

Early in the morning ming was helping his mother in law in kitchen for morning breakfast, he was helping Jessy and dancing here and there in kitchen as a little kid..

"Ming put these on the table na." Jessy was asking ming, who immediately halt his steps he was standing behind her dancing with happiness, hearing Jessy voice he stop his legs movement smiling to her feeling embarrassed for his own act he face palm himself taking the tray of food to the table, arranging them on the table, he filled all the glasses with water and came back to kitchen he was asking his mae, " still is there anything to help with, mae."

She gave a smile to his son in law and said "no, son, you can go now." ming nod and took the protein shake bottle along to upstairs.

Jessy was still thinking of his son in law who is being active and cheerful after being discharge from hospital, in the starting days of their marriage she mostly find him sitting idle and calm now he was totally changed he became such a kid playing and making noises all the time, but never their in-laws complained him to stay calm, they let him do whatever he likes, the house was not being calm not for a second as ming was always being around Jessy asking her 'shall I help this and that,' she was so happy and overwhelmed that she had someone in the family to spend their time with and she felt like she was not alone anymore.

Ming was humming and climbing the steps counting them one, two, three finally he went to three-story floor and walked to the gym room, he halted his steps at the gym enterance door, his eyes could not believe what he was seeing, he took his steps slowly to forth looking at the arm exercises he was pocking on the biceps which were popping out as forth was exercising with dumbells

Ming exclaimed saying "Wowww..p'forth you muscles are bulging, their so nice."

Forth was smile too ming astonishing expressions, he said: "do you like my body or me."

Ming showed the protein shake bottle in front of forth face "drink it."

Forth took the bottle and pulled ming into his hands wrapping them around his waist "p' forth!!!." Ming was pushing forth shoulders with his both hands..

Forth taking ming small fights he speaks "you know you cannot push me, why are you still trying to push me."

Ming pout his lips "I too will build my body and punish you until you get blue bruises.".

" aww, my sweetheart is scaring me," Forth said gripping the hold by tightening the muscles wrapped around ming waist.

" P'forth!! You are gripping me hard."

" Kiss me first," Forth said tilting his head by closing the gap..

Ming gave a bright smile seeing his husband face coming near to him, as forth tilted his to right side, ming dodge it by helding his head back..

" Mingkwan..." this time forth used his full name holding ming neck he placed his lips on the thin lips and nibbled onto them softly...

"You look cute when you are blushing." Forth said still not leaving the hold..

Ming was giving the eye staring back he said: "you said it for your hundredth time."

Forth still looking at the small round eyes he said: "I say another hundredth and millionth times."

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