38.It takes a second to reconcile

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Subsequent day morning Ming subsisting seriously authoring his diary sometimes smiling and sometimes making sad expression, settling all his emotions pouring the contents from his heart he is surfing deep into his emotions for Forth.

On other side Forth has done with his workouts now he was in library, he tiptoe silently sitting beside his husband he was peeping into Ming diary he is curious to know what his husband scribbling so seriously, Forth is frowning looking over Ming shoulder

"stop messing my mood darling" warning his husband sneaky actions he took a side glance to Forth with his serious eyes

their faces were so near feeling each others breath,

"tell me what you're writing?" Forth look deep into Ming eyes making Ming gulp and his cheeks feel hot, but Ming recovered his blush giving a grin to his husband horny eyes "the last two days mess of what you do to us."

Forth sighed "sorry, don't write anything bad about me" he dart his wet eyes straight to wall, he is feeling stupid and low he no longer was looking to Ming eyes, in fact, he was scared he knew Ming eyes are the same innocent puppy eyes those eyes will ever scare him, but he is the one feeling low and couldn't look back to Ming eyes because of the guilty! he is feeling for his own actions. Now he Is no longer can be a perfect husband for his sweetheart.

Ming closed his diary he turned to Forth he is grappling with Forth chin to face him trying his best to make his husband look into his eyes,

Forth obeyed he keeps looking deep into his husband honey eyes

"why what happen! What are you being sacred off!"

Forth eyes shimmered with water "I am so sorry Ming, It's just I hate the thought of my ex coming to my mind, and you see I want to keep you away from my failure because I thought-you being aware of might cause some mental disturbance to me, that is it! I just want to look into your eyes giving you a feel of my heart which is completely filled with you, so I thought if you being aware of my ex with whom I literally had five years of relationship might cause some disturbance, I was scared if I could not give you that feel, trust me Ming the thought of me having an ex the representation in your eyes is what mostly I am worried about! I imagine my whole world with her, I gave my heart to her.....uff, sorry, let's forget it" Forth discontinued saying the things which might hurt Ming feelings

Ming closed his eyes as Forth cuddles into Ming lap "I miss this" he murmured with a tear running down wetting Ming thigh

He open his eyes stroking Forth cheek which is pressed into his belly and squeezed the vulnerable shoulder to provide some warmth "continue don't stop"

Forth cuddle more into Ming's belly literally breathing close into Ming belly "I failed in a five-year relationship, whom I almost thought as my life, it's so tough for me to withstand what I have undergone if you being aware of this, I thought there is no where I could escape I think my ex thoughts will literally kill me, I thought I will represent a failed Forth in your eyes, I have nowhere to escape I feel suffocating to look into your eyes...."

Ming feeling Forth arms circling his waist in a tight embrace, sobbing deep into Ming's belly, he keeps stoking Forth hair

"p'Forth, remember for me you're my Forth I will never give a thought of your ex, when you look into my eyes-I will give you a total confidence, remember phee said I am his confidence on the day of Rome surgery, I always represents that in my eyes to make you feel confident because I love you and care for phee, p'forth do you remember many times you said our first-day you like my eyes the most, so my eyes will always treat you as same Forth, my eyes will always be your escape of nightmare, I know pretty well about phee, don't try to always represent a strong image being weak is not bad, phee can convey all his good and bad to me and my eyes will only reflect an image of P'Forth, you will always be my P'Forth...no matter what it is.."

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