52.Finding out-I am counting on you

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Twenty minutes later, they resolved back to their table Forth gave a stern face "you can continue what you want to say?"

he sound tough, while ming reclined beside forth with uneasy feeling, he Is uncertain on what he is going to hear, forth want's to hear a reasonable answer from him, if not contrarily, the tables will be flip in a second.

Markin is not any different he is being worried and bothered about mingkwan, he is looking tensed up with present outline of forth and mingkwan, he see's and actualise that ming eyes were swollen he discerned he did a indiscretion fault in proposing a
expensive souvenir to ming he mistreat his fan feelings by crossing the threshold

He wet his throat before speaking up "My father is an artist too, I used feel heal from my father paintings either it was happiness or sadness or anger anything some people will listen to music to become stress-free but mine was paintings I go threw several galleries, and that is how I am and after I got married to Andrew..." Marking look at forth to confirm his answer

and forth nod "...yes I am aware of you divorce" forth spoke up gesturing his head telling markin to continue his answer

"My ex-husband Andrew brought a set of box containing paintings to me, maybe one and half year back he came to pay a visit as my father was sick and after my father was ill I never get to see such a heart Warming arts I was so impressed in those paintings, even though we are divorced he came to present those paintings to me....And last two months, one day I stood Infront of same style of paintings but in a more mature way with a signature at end of painting sheet sighed as mingkwan...."

Markin looked between forth and Ming "...that is my first to me the owner of paintings that are standing in my gallery for one year"

Ming and forth didn't understand anything they couldn't line up his dots and gave confused eyes to markin

"....I know I am an artist their is a similarity between the paintings I had in my gallery and Mingkwan paintings.. I know people will say I am some crazy but even my father Mr.Ruthard sylan said they are mingkwan paintings and you know what he said he told me he can see himself in ming paintings, how can my father who draw great piece's can find have similarity! but the thing I am his only son who has seen him working only I can read it through Ming paintings and I find it acceptable...."

Markin shook his head at both forth and Ming who are looking at him in disbelief "... I am trying not to fake anything here or I don't create a story"

Forth and Ming were now seeing liquid in markin eyes and his hands that are moving to his expressions are now shaking "..I am not lying when I am talking about my father works because I love my father to death who is sick now he cannot paint like he usually do I shown him mingkwan paintings and he was urging me to introduce him, he was telling he wants to see mingkwan in person.."

Forth turned to Ming who was trying to remember his paintings he started as scribblings crazy lines on a white sheet when he was five years old that turned him into passion when he was eleven year old he took more interest in paintings and he used to save his part-time money to buy necessary stationery he used to draw whatever comes to his brain from beautiful scenery to erotic and depressed paintings everything depending upon his mood but after getting married his father who don't encourage his passion has thrown his paintings out

forth was glancing towards his husband, Ming once cried his heart out lossing his hearty work and forth can see Ming having tears in his eyes but he was not ready to believe markin story,

what is story link to an million-dollar earring? Why would markin say some sort of stories to them which looks like not stories but maybe real

Ming turned his tear-filled eyes towards his boss "Mr.Markin due you have any proof that can say they are my paintings?"

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