53.Finding out-city lights

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During the long drive delight ming relishing the long ride intimacy with his husband, Ming is nowhere to be brought into the existing timeline he more vanished in obtaining the view of city lights. Feeling the wind he tightly lock his arms around his husband torso his arms securing around forth abs on black tee, the dark city filled with glowing luminosities beaming in the hovering darkness ming treasures the beauty of the city in darkness, with a continuous smile which is invisible for the reason of helmet shielding his head he keeps viewing the city over forth shoulder

Despite of the fact he is wearing a black jacket, he trembles when gentle wind cuddle him as an effect he tightens his arms around his husband abdomen more and more tightly

Feeling the tingling tightening he chuckled looking down to the Hugging arms he touched on ming knuckles, driving with one hand he slowly lead Ming fingers to slip under his tee

Smiling for the gentle care he did as forth lead, he covered his arms under forth tee, relaxing around the strong abs, he held his hands tightly hugging the well-built torso

Forth can see Ming black helmet shielded head on the side mirror on right side he observes ming gentle smiling through the half-open helmet who is admiring the night view of Thailand shinning with city lights

Forth take over an extended route to conquer their ride for long time so that they both can revel in their bike ride for more time they were riding like for twenty minutes and forth felt Ming is asking something they are wearing helmets so it's difficult to hear with sound of bustling weather along with a helmet, he parks his bike to sideways of road, he turned his head to Ming

Raising their small glass door on their helmet "I want to eat hot dogs at your favourite snack bar"

Forth asking "Again" with a puzzled laugh

"What again! keeping beside you all I felt is a strong nervousness, I didn't eat my dinner wholeheartedly" Ming pouts

Forth can see those red lips pouting through helmet he snicker up for the latter making a cute pout along he slightly shook his helmet head. Agreeing to fulfill his husband's wish he replied "all right". Closing his helmet door pulling his both legs up he drove to their old house neighborhood, his favourite snack bar is near to their parents' house

Placing their helmets back to their bike they walk into the snack bar, having their seats Ming springs his order for curried spiced up hotdogs

They sat adjacent to opposite shoulder, without blinking forth constantly lingering his eyes on ming as if he is doubting on ming food habits

"What?" ming raise a brow

"Nothing" forth simple shrug his shoulders, if he round-about ming craving like a pregnant woman they will have another clash, so he choose to stay hushed instead of teasing.

"you dress for the first time?" ming made his eyes

Understanding the tongue in cheek, as Forth plumps to sit quietly instead of answering, he knew the consequence these ming is being aggressive and always snipping and showing being over-emotional too so even if he tease or say some joke they ending up in bantering and sometimes they even rattle with seriousness, to not spoil their moods forth choosing to stay put, at some point forth thought what if ming is pregnant! Can he able to take up the mood swings, even though it strikes like a horror he smiled with an adoring feeling of ming being pregnant, all these thoughts he keeps to himself, if ming read the inner thoughts of forth dreaming about how happy forth is in dreaming about ming being pregnant that would be another fight! One week back when forth asked ming snipe on him telling 'he don't want to!' he apprehend that ming in not so into this matter so he choose to put his thoughts and happy dreams to himself, he don't want ming to feel pressured by overly discussing about the same topic where ming has no point of interest neither ming cannot even get pregnant, so its useless to talk about the topic, what if ming feels stressed in 'not being able to conceive,' that will be another misunderstanding, its just a normal desire or a happy thought to have their own kids, forth is never upset for ming being a normal man, but the small cheerful thought is all he hide it to himself. He do love his husband as what he is!

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