4.First day after wedding

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Finally, the long awaiting wedding day was done with all formalities, every relative, family friends, guest, everyone paved their way out couple by couple, family by family, only bridegrooms family was left in the wedding rooms packing their stuff

Ming was resilient he sat on bed feeling all gloomy he don't know what is next or it might be he was sending off to a completely new home. He was nervous and his mother was packing her things like a handbag, luggage and remaining things and finally, she got to pay attention to ming who was giving dazed looks

She kneed his shoulder seeking for his attention, feeling the touch on his shoulder tears rolled down his cheek and his mother pulled him into a hug "don't cry, everything will be fine"

He clutched onto his mother neck dipping his face into the crook of her neck and hair feeling the last warmth

"you're so eager to send me away"

"don't make me angry now." She snap again not feeling any sense of sadness or pity for her son. she knew what she is doing she needs to do this before ming get more emotional

"now, wash your face and come down, your in-laws are waiting for you"

Ming left her hug nodding his head, he stepped into the washroom, splashing cold water on his face staring to mirror he tried to smile but all he got was his eyes sting with another set of tears with cold water droplets dripping down his cheeks. Enough of crying he finally dried his face and came out

His mother headed him down the stairs and out to the wedding hall, finally, he sees kit standing with a sad smile playing on his lips he took younger into a hug "I am sorry, I am a bit busy in hospital, I could not attend your wedding"

Ming stood still in his brother hug he did not hug him back he knew why kit was avoiding him

"it's okay, p'kit" he mumbled

forth and his parents joined them

While Ria went hugging Jessy, Jessy patted her back "Don't worry, we'll take care of him" Ria smiled over her shoulder

Forth turned to kit standing with beam, lam standing beside him, it was an unsettled atmosphere with beam

lam being sarcastic "have these" he muttered with a sly smile showing his hand to forth
Ming's eyes widen in shock he grasped and forget to breath for a second at what he is seeing

forth cussed on lam teasing "shut that"

lam with a sheepish smirk placed the small lube bottle and condoms packets to forth palm  "I don't want to waste my money" he grinned

"you asshole" forth snarled but he thought he can tease a little with his husband he got a heavy grin he purposefully shoved them into his blue trouser pocket he gave a grin to ming who was still scared to death

Ming shivered in the cold breeze he is trying to look back into forth eyes he could not. He still grasping what is going on with his life, what he saw in the last second was making him tremble in fear, how to sleep with a stranger, of course, we're married, but.. he was gulping his tears

Gazing to Ming standing in nervous, forth grinned, he leans to Ming ear whispering "Any expectations for tonight"

That surely hurt and shudder run through Ming spine he stiffens under forth gaze yet he made sure  to raise his voice "I won't let you even to touch my nail"

"good, I can hear your voice loud, but that does not affect me In any way" he smirk

Ming look away he does not like to talk back to forth his heavy grin is warning him not to talk to or go for provocative talk

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