86.Intellectual ability to converse

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Lam was welcomed by Forth and when he walks he hears a laughter and halt his steps looking for the voice, a warm smile spreads on his face he looks to his friend who is giving a warm smile "thank you for making him comfortable, Forth"

"..thank you!..oh, come on, please, lam with formalities never suit you" Forth says with an it's okay smile

Ria walks to jessy and held a hand on her shoulder "oh lam is here"

Park gets stern and stiff, he never been this dressed up and he is feeling embarrassed and shy he did not look back to lam

As lam walks to the table he wai to the elders "thank you for taking care of park aunty.."

They both gives a smile "nothing to say thank you's lam he is our son" jessy says and ria nods to her sentence

Park and lam gives small polite smile

"make yourself" ria says and walks politely dragging jessy who is watching the couple constantly

"both of them are made for each other"

Ria smiles "yes, they are"

Listening to the elders the couple was further shying, Forth and ming joins them asking "let's spend some time in back patio"

Lam nods as if he is a new friend to Forth and unfamiliar of Forth he is feeling shy like a newly married couple

Forth teases him "I never thought I would see this side of you"

Lam "hey you jackass" he scolds him for the tease

"yes, this is my friend" Forth shouts loud wrapping a hand around lam shoulder and drags him to the back patio "hey, don't you dare to do anything silly" he warns teasingly,

He hisses "who are you to say that?"

"I am his brother"

"what.." lam frowns He turns to park who walking along with ming "park, you're my brother right!" He asks, park nods for both Forth and ming

"you're ridiculous"

"I just adopted him one hour back"

"you're being ridiculously ridiculous" he snipes

"be careful, if you cross any line with my brother, I will push you from top floor" he warns and lam looks to Forth in disbelief of his friend but Forth is so true park in red sweater is looking more gorgeous and cute he want him right away

They all sat in the back patio while park keeps looking here and there, Forth and ming whispers to each other and about to leave the place

"ming stay with me, where are you going?" he ask with a pleading look

And ming looks to park and lam half smiling face "..I I am.."

"he is feeling uncomfortable to sit with backache, he needs some rest park, right ming!"

"auh~!! Umm.....yeah, I want to rest" he gives a convincing look to park

And park frowns "I told you, you did not listen, see now!" he says in a worried tone because ming have been standing all the time helping him with dress

"park, that is fine, I will take care of him" Forth says as he raises ming into his arms and strides away while lam stares to park who keeps staring to the couple with a never dropping smile

Lam gets up and sits to park side; facing park-smiling face, park eyes widen

"you look good" he compliments him

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