33.Putting everything behind🔞

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"p'forth I brought lunch for you" Ming heartily smiled to his husband who was smiling happily at him, closing the door behind he ignored marise who is sitting opposite to forth, he took his strides towards his husband placing the lunch pack on table, immediately he went into forth lap getting cheek kisses from his husband "you're such a great help to me sweetheart, I don't even have time to go home for lunch.."

"I'm always ready to be at you, rest assured" Ming bow down his head Playfully which forth pulled him close to his chest wrapping his hand around Ming waist " do you know how much I miss you?"

Ming felt shy blushing his cheeks but he was still looking to forth love eyes "how much?" He asked horasely..

Marise coughs at them "remember I'm here too.."

Forth removed his hands from Ming waist smiling shyly..Ming turn towards marise "sorry Ms.marise my husband has romance in his hands, by the way we're busy with our work, so we're using every minute we had ..."

It stinge marise at some point she immediately react to Ming "Yes, I know about romance too, okay, continue your business, it just remains me my past days, I will take my leave..." Marise step out from her chair picking up her handbag she went out closing the door behind

Forth can clearly see Ming fist his palm he held it calmly, Ming face forth giving a heartful smile hiding his tears "I will arrange lunch for you, let's eat..."

unpacking the lunch boxes with shaky fingers arranging them on table, filling glasses with water, he brought a chair near to his husband, he can sense stares from forth "p'forth, why you're standing, sit down, let's have our lunch..."

Forth nods taking his seat, he hold his chopsticks Ming was handing him "Is their anything that bothers you?"

Ming paused for a second, he picked up his chopsticks before speaking "no, phee.. nothing.."

Forth started eating his lunch silently, to reduce akwardness Ming started to speak normally "p'forth... aren't you tired?"

"No, Ming i'm fine... don't worry about me, tell me about your interview......"

"Yeah.. everything is going well phee, I need to wait for my results, but I was already assured by Mr.Markin and it was formality to attend interview....I am waiting to work with their Multi arts international company...but still now I didn't get any call from them.... Their are many board members during interview and I got little nervous"

Forth held his hand on Ming shoulder "have a little more energy, you'll get a call, I have seen your hardwork.."

Ming still looking into his box he nod "I'm having some hope too ."

"That's good..."

Ming turn his face to look at forth "my father is giving you hard time, because of me.."

Forth shook his head "don't make those words Ming, it's not true, it just how my work is , i'm all fine, I'm showing him we can withstand anything, so don't worry, this will pass soon..."

Ming placed his chopsticks back into lunch box he went close to forth left cheek to kiss it "stay strong, easy work darling..."

Forth tilted his head to kiss Ming cheek "don't worry about Internship, you'll make it.." forth kissed back Ming cheek..

Ming nodded his head saying "still thinking.."

"Okay, good, good luck." forth stood up to bend down kissing Ming forehead

Forth was disposing his empty box into dust bin he look at Ming how was struggling to eat "why? Don't you like it?"

He look back to forth " I like it.. but I don't want to eat it.. I don't have any mood.."

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