54.Finding out- Trust me, Please

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last night as he threw up, Early in the morning ming stomach rumbling feeling hungry he woke up being tired, pecking a kiss on his husband forehead he is feeling sorry for betraying his husband, he should speak to his husband but he did not dare to, getting off the bed, he veered to suit bathroom

Ten minutes later feeling the cold side of bed forth stretch his arm to cuddle with ming but all he felt is cold and empty side of the bed, he slip out of bed and strolled towards suit bathroom he heard water sounds the thought of ming taking bath, A surged feeling is stirring his heart he felt something is wrong with ming, these days his husband is refraining him to shower together, he felt that strong feeling of ming abstaining his touch, last night when he tried to be romantic in kitchen he is fondly showing his affection in loving ming with his nuzzles while ming is sitting on countertop yet ming did not react to his kisses he is careful in reading ming hearing ming vaguely answering him not even responding to his kisses that disinterest cause forth to bristle and halt his actions

Feeling disappointed for the visible point of distance they have, he stride from their bedroom and walk to back patio standing in the garden feeling all depressed for ming keeping distance between them during this one and half year ming never woke up before him and sneakily taking bath just to refrain from forth, processing all the thoughts of his husband avoidance, he kept watering the plants he waddled back to kitchen today he feel like he wants to drink green tea as drinking caffeine is not good for all the time, sometimes he adapt with green tea

Waking up early in the morning ming had a glass of water and banana, before going for bath he prepared their morning breakfast too. he prepared simple sandwiches for them and placed the cutleries and breakfast on the table

in-suit bathroom Standing under the showerhead perforated nozzle he had a tearful rainshower, tying a bathrobe he dragged his legs to dressing room, dressing up he cleaned his wet eyes which are continuously shedding tears today he could not stop his tears, sobbing and caressing his belly, last night I am shocked but I really cannot give up on my career neither you baby, I need to speak with your porr but I am not confident slowly tears drops drip down his cheeks questioning his honesty he do love his baby but he doesn't want to give up on his career too he is confused between his selfish career and honest love to his baby he is being diffident of what he wants

he quickly cleaned his tears and slipped into a white shirt having blue checks and a brown cotton trouser pants he took a black jerkin to cover his upper body as he is feeling icy with chills all over his body seems like I am catching fever shall I ask for leave then again he doze that idea as he remembers today he need to give a presentation on new animated series he prepared a lot for this presentation and he needs to win against a senior who had a double experience in winning awards in animation, he don't know about winning yet he feel honorable to give a presentation from the opposite team he wants at least a few people to like his presentation and that is enough for him

Ming joined the breakfast bar, staring through the glass door to back patio and garden he let out a sigh for making forth work again in the garden he promised to forth to take care of the garden and asking for more plants, in beforehand forth made sure to tell him he would not be having time to take care of their garden unless ming was sure to promise him that he will be watering the plants on daily basis, now that ming is feeling tired and oversleeping the garden work fell into forth hands feeling stressed for adding more work to his husband hands he pull his head down to his sandwich I should find a solution, I cannot do this to p'forth..ugh!! he huffed sitting idle in front of his breakfast plate

Forth done with his bath and dressed up striding to the living hall he observes ming sitting on a stool at breakfast bar without eating, he smiled "are you waiting for me?"

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