70.Love bells the reunion

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Ensuing the sequent day of sunrise markin arrived at hospice after meeting his sister informing her their father is not ready to face her he declared his sister to walk out on her own, he did not give any ear to her peculiar pleadings she should feel grateful for not positioning her behind the bars

Being done with his sister pleadings having a heavy heart of sentiments he walks to his ex-husband room when he gently holds the door handle and darts in forwarding pace a warm smile played on his face he was welcomed by a scene of Andrew and twinkle being cuddled the secene right straight to his eyes is making him feel overwhelmed in watching the scene he walks to the bed and sits on edge of bed, for a couple of minutes he constantly keeps smiling with mist eyes in the deep turmoil of five minutes he sees twinkle stirring and trying to wake up he proximately picked her up to his lap holding the toddler close to his chest he keeps cooing her daughter hair to not disturb Andrew sleep

Andrew back must be hurting he stretched his hand to his back and cling to rubb the paining back, Markin seeing Andrew writhing in pain he can see the frown on Andrew face from a side profile, he helps him softly kneading the back using knuckles and fingertips, Andrew calms down and drifts to sleep

Markin picks his half sleepy daughter to the toilet, while he washes her face he ask "shall we go for breakfast"

Twinkle nods "papa..lets take mama too" she keeps patting Markin cheeks,

He ask with a pouts "you al-ready to miss him! Not me..all night you stay with mama still you want mama and not papa" he is so jealous of his daughter, daily she says to his father about how much she is missing her mom and right now she is not saying miss you's and love you's to her dad, feeling jealous he keeps ticking her belly making her giggle and giggle

"let's go and grab our breakfast what say?" she laughed making a high-five with small fingers and getting a cheek kiss from her father

When they exit, they still sees andrew is sleeping, so not to disturb his sleep he walks out with twinkle in his arms, once he is out he put her down and she holds her father pinky finger and walks out


Ming is having a morning walk in the corridor along with his husband, seeing the duo walking toward, they exchanged know smiles

"we're going to get some breakfast, shall I bring some take-outs for you?" markin asks

Forth says "I can fetch breakfast for my husband" he grins, Making ming and markin shake their head

"oh come on don't be jealous.." markin says

Forth nods "anything without carbohydrates..."

Markin gestures his arms to ming for a hug, to make forth more jealous he hugs ming saying "good morning ming, how is your day?"

Forth immediately apart them "Markin, you better get going now"

Ming funs as Markin walks away with twinkle waving her hand to her favorite uncle and ming waves back to twinkle

"Why did you hug him?" ming grasp when forth suddenly pulls him by waist

That jealous tone is making ming chuckle, he warmly embraces his jealous husband torso, looking into his eyes "darling..your hug is the best" he whispers in forth ear which soon turned dark red

Forth is not easy to be tricked, he metioned "don't hug him"

Ming chuckles "..... I think jealous is born before you," he tongue out to fun on his husband

forth gently flick his forehead "you know how to play with me," he says as he walks ming along to their room and ming sat on bed looking to the pouting forth he says "forthieeee come here"

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