35.Spending Time-A moment of happiness and anger

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"Ming coffee for you" Forth Voice break the silence in library

Ming working on sketching characters, he loosen up his shoulders stretching his arms with a smile "thank you darling" he replied while Forth handing the coffee mug with a smile written all over his face

Forth handing him coffee he catch a glance of Ming sketches "Can I know their names?"

"Nope, our company was planning for a new series so, for now, it's a secret" Ming replied continued to take a sip from coffee mug

Forth sitting beside ming his eyes attention caught Ming diary he grab's the blue diary, flipping through pages, he thumbed on a particular paragraph which caught his interest "our's is not love at first Sight, and we struggle to settle as we're living in a shuttle place but soon my husband understood me he starts loving me but I don't even know when I fell in love with him, our days were blooming with love.."

Ming came out from his hallucinations of caffeine, he grasp when Forth continues to read out Ming diary line to line.. "oiee...stop reading my diary.. it's my private book".

Forth raised the diary up still reading, there is a particular paragraph about ming sleeping on floor and Forth gives a small smile understanding it was his mistake he continued to read those lines out

"phee please" Ming trying to grab the diary but his husband held it back "I make you sleep on floor"

Ming pout "yeah, you did, you said you don't want some stranger to sleep on your bed"

"I knew you feel the same, either you don't want to share the same bed with me, when It's clear to me, you don't like this marriage, either me" he snide still mulling over the diary

"p'Forth, How can I accept to sleep with a stranger!" he tried to reach for diary but held the diary to his back

"why? I am your legal husband!" forth teased him

Ming shook his head "I don't have any feelings to sleep with you, now come on, give me my diary" he wined

Forth mouth a "no" he continued to read the diary

"I will forever be thankful for p'Forth.." Forth raise a brow to sulking Ming "I see, I never see that in you, you always try to fight with me"

Ming was maintaining his pent up frustration "phee, I ..I don't fight with you!!!" he snipe again

Forth shook his head "you do, you always"

Ming make his eyes wide for Forth accusation "when did I?"

"you do, like now" Forth replied further flipping the pages

"p'Forth is the name I fell in love with" Forth blushed reading that sentence

Ming grabs the diary and seizes close to his chest "phee no more" he snipe with blush forming on his cheeks

Forth tried to reach for the diary

"Stop reading my diary" Ming backs up tightening the dairy more close to his chest

"I want to read it please, it is taking my interest.." he forcefully takes the diary back

Ming widen his eyes "no!! it's my personal diary.. don't read"

Forth holding the diary he is making pleading eyes negotiating with Ming serious eyes "I think you write many things about me..so I want to know what you feel about me"

"P'Forth... you cannot I want my book back" Ming made a serious face

Forth obediently hand it back "alright" he made a dull poky face

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