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Warning-Mature content 18+

Ming is getting uncomfortable in the middle of night as his bladder was full. He is trying getting up from bed to go for washroom, thought he could get up without making sounds to not disturb forth As he was tired and sleeping.

He was trying to get up his best, he tried his best soon he end up disturbing forth.

Forth awaken at rustling sounds, as he was light sleeper, he woke up instant asking "Mi..nng are you fine?"

Ming bits his lips in a tight seal he again tried to answer as forth sat up  "Auh.. am.. I am fine phee."

Forth sat up yawning and walked to switchboard to on the lights, he walk back to ming who was standing at the bedside, he was asking him looking to ming suspicious eyes

"Why did you wake up ming?"

Ming was with his flustered face he was hiding his urgency.

"Ming do you need any help, your face is saying something to me."

"P' I don't need your help, I can go," Ming replied by avoiding the gaze, he walked up to the restroom with flustered face, giving some space forth walk behind ming.

Ming is now thinking by which hand should he push the door both hands having plasters one is surgery and one has IV needle.

Forth pushed the door over ming shoulder passing ming he sprint in

"come in, ming" he offer his hand by yawning a little bit as if he doesn't mind the situation or as if he was acting like they were a well-known couple in relationship with experiences

" Phee ! " ming is hesitating by biting his bottom lip it was very awkward for him even though forth was trying not to make ming feel embarrassed or any awkwardness but the current conscious situation is making ming to go shy though he was glad to receive forth helping hand. The situation is making him go shy

Forth gently pull ming shoulders slowly to get him in, "I am sleepy ming, make it fast." forth said ruffling ming's hair.

Ming is having the most tense face thinking how could he pee..."P' you can go out now."

Forth, bent down pulled ming pant and underwear down  by closing his eyes

"make it fast"

Ming quickly has done his business and flushed it.

Again forth closed his eyes and help ming to dress up.

He look into ming flushed eyes "Are are you relieved now?"

Ming stayed in silence, he was totally blushing his ears turning red.

Forth acted like he was sleepy and did not tease ming because he understand that ming is in an urgent situation and acted at ming but he was feeling all hot and eager to touch he controlled himself as it is not the moment.

Ming turned front walking away he silently sat on bed

Looking at ming still sitting on bed he was asking him "Why? Don't want to sleep!." Forth is asking ming  as he was still staring into air

Ming just sat there, he was in his own thoughts, hearing his phee voice  he replied: "All day I was sleeping, I am not getting any sleep p' forth, You can sleep p'."

Forth looking at the shy face, he understand the situation and hides his smile asking "Then shall we watch tv."

With a nervous look, he said "Okay p', let's watch tv."

Forth was oning tv "what do you want to watch?"

"Doremon p' "

"Aièee doremon!!.. you are really little kid like that." forth point the remote towards ming lower pant.

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