65.Markin-Andrew: II

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Ming was sipping his orange juice silently while listening to sing exclaiming how handsome the CEO is! "wow! Your pair looks so handsome you both can go for modeling like couple clothes modeling,"

Ming laughed out saying "if p'forth hears you, you will be dead meat,"

As Andrew walks in he ask "today you guys are cheerful,"

"come in Andrew," ming smiled and as Andrew walks in ming introduces his friend to his other friends

Sing is saying "see these pictures, don't you say they look good for modeling,"

Ming does not have to stop to him, he knew Andrew will not believe those rumours but he doubt Andrew would feel sad if he sees his ex-husband being pictured in a different way

Andrew eyes grew wide and he turned pale "ming, what are those photos"

"stop it sing," ming asked

Sing confused "why, p'forth is not here," he winked

Andrew is asking again in worried voice "mingkwan, what is going on, did you by any chance got into any problem,"

Ming gives him small smile "andrew its nothing to worry, be calm okay, its just someone took those photo's and we're rumoured as couple"

Andrew shook his head in horror "what about forth? Is he okay, did he question." His palms turned cold of remembering himself in ming position

Sing who was seeing Andrew turned pale was now saying "Andrew, why you're being worried, we're just joking everything is fine,"

Andrew shook his head "how you most got to be rumoured?" he asked with tension filled voice while palms and feet are turning cold

"don't know Andrew, but p'forth is working on it, I think he already talk out with markin, they will deal this" he answered

"but what is wrong with you andrew, why he is getting this worried" sing questioned to ming

Ming replied "CEO Markin and Andrew are husband's"

Sing jaw dropped "hey Andrew don't take this seriously, your hubby is not cheating on you, it's a rumour because your handsome man is a celebrity so he loves to be in rumours once in a while," he chuckled

And andrew gives a small smile for sing being funny and trying to calm down the atmosphere, he takes a stool offered by sing and sits beside him "how are you doing?"

"I am doing good,"

Andrew gulped down his throat in tense "did you and forth by any chance quarrelled for this issue, is that why last night your condition turned serious," he is asking with worried eyes

Ming shook his head half way

"yes its," sing answered "but its his mother in law, she took it seriously, until last night we never knew about the rumour, aunty brought up the issue saying ming is cheating on her son back," sing gives a worried look thinking of ming losing the baby made him sad too

Andrew bit his quivering bottom lip thinking about a person he is praying she must not be the reason for this he gives a small smile to ming "don't worry, now you and baby are safe,"

Ming nod calmly


After meeting with ming, Andrew walk to marise room "I told you not to hurt forth and ming, why did you do this marise?" he asked breathing heavily

Marise gives a confused frown "first, have a seat.."

"no need, tell me its has nothing to do with you right!" he asked again

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