9.Diary of mingkwan

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Ming began to turn crazy because of the unknown feeling he had he bought a diary to jot down all his feeling about his new relationship with forth he want to write his every sweet memory in his precious diary, after his birth of twenty years for the first time he is feeling the essence of love which he cannot recognize at first but now his nostril can feel the smell and his mind is giving him some crazy love thrills

He brought this diary with his own money he used to have a savings account and keep his balance for his own use it was his hard earn money from part-time jobs, he felt happy to buy a book with the money he earned by doing various part times.

ming felt meaningful to buy this dairy he was like he wanted to fill all the dairy with forth memories up until now he does not have any memories to cherish but from now he had someone in his life and wanted to keep his lovable memories in his diary so he started writing by sitting in the library.

The spacious library seems silent for him and the surrounding atmosphere is also clam this place is very suitable for him to write his precious moments he opened the dairy he brought

putting his pen on the first page first line he is thinking seriously what to name his book whether with his name or forth name finally, he settled with "forthming" with tag line the ' beginning of new life' he was giggling happily like a child hitting his forehead ming thought is it me! behaving as if I am dating a boyfriend, I want to make my life more loving, I should completly be filled with love thinking to himself how selfish am I?

he started writing his diary by some important dates his

💍wedding day: 1/01/20xx

And he composed himself in scribbling every indite feelings suddenly he felt emotional, After writing all his bittersweet memories he is laughing remembering how flurry forth was when forth's manager suddenly open their room door

Again he turned serious in scribbling about forth

"P'forth you are the only person I had in my life who likes me even who said the words of liking, all these 20 years of mine no one said these words to me thank you for liking me, I want to lead the life along with you, let's hold the hands together forever, I know this is only beginning of our life I want to live with you forever."

After writing I want to live with you forever he halt his pen it's an only quarter month but he is already asking for a Lifetime how silly can he be?

Likewise, While putting the pen on a book he was able to compose what his heart was saying he rapt in the wonder of his wrapped feelings of asking himself 'Is it me!'

"......On our wedding day I felt uncomfortable, putting into words I was scared because you're not familiar to me but now I can see that blissful stare in phee eyes, and It's my first time to dance with phee, I am happy for phee leading me in steps I will be embarrassed if I trip but phee hold me tight in his arms and............"

his scribbling went on like a constant northern star having a beautiful smile on his face

".......I am sorry p'forth maybe we need long walks to understand each other just quarter month is not enough for me to know what you're! I am not smart enough to read a person like you do, I am not strong enough to take instant decisions I am not an instant decision maker but if I make it I will preserve it for my lifetime....so let's say long days are waiting for us phee, thank you for expressing your love openly to me it's me being a calculated one here...."

Ming is trying to learn his own feelings he is not judging forth love towards him maybe it will take time for ming to recognize this! he is fighting with his inner self he could not foretell his feelings, forth sure handle their situations well even though ming was being a complicated one, he is trying to be open to ming without rubbing his feelings on the younger

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