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"Hey, hey, hey..why didn't you come with Earth?", Joss yelled over the phone making Saint flinch. Saint's currently busy finding informations about Sam Denovan in his laptop. He checked every account he found on his screen, in Facebook, Twitter and and to any other social platform he could find but he found no one addressed in Thailand, worst, he could not find anyone who'd fit on the information he had right now. Earth left by 6:00 a.m and it's been 5 hours since he sat on in front of his laptop soon as he got home from sending Earth to his flight.

"I can't P', i need to go to school..",

" can always apply for absence, right?",,

"Don't wanna left behind.",  Saint finally let out a sigh and close his laptop finding no one.

"You're lying...",

"Hm, that brother's in New York, I'm gonna look for that person. He'll stay they for almost a week so I need to grab that chance to move freely.", He replied, he stood up and went outside, shifting their conversation on his wireless earphone.

"Saint, let's top your search on this person..",

"Why?", Saint asked as he entered Earth's room and walked towards his desk. I'm sorry,P'Earth, Saint thought to himself and started to open every drawers.

"Cause you're already hurting, Saint.. I know it's taking toll on you.", Joss replied then Saint only chuckle.

"I'm fine, P'joss. I just really wanna know he is, so that I can ease this guilt...for me to do something for him..for me to apologise at least on his family and like...",

"I told you, Saint.. it's not your fault.. it's his car accident that brought him in the hospital lifeless, it's not because of your transplant. You have nothing you can do on the matter.. it's the doctor's choice that they gave up on him, Saint..not you, not your parents or anyone else.. besides he signed to be an organ donor, and he would the face that fate one way or another.",

"But P', what if my parents did something..", Saint stopped on his trailed when he picked the three photos of Tutor in one of his brother's drawer. Why is this here? He thought.

"Saint, don't think like that... your parents are one the kindest persons I could ever met, I can't imagine them doing things like that...", Saint shook his head and put the three photos on his pocket.

"Yeah, what am I thinking..there no way my parents could do that", Saint smiled.

"Give yourself a break, Saint... it's not even that long since you underwent a surgery, stop stressing yourself too much... I'm worried."

"Thank you,P', but I am fine. Didn't I promised that I'll stop when I can no longer take it, I take that as a word, don't worry..",

"Argh.. if I'm next you, I could have smack your head." Saint laughed.

"I thought you'll be very busy with exams .",

"I thought you'll be coming so I took the day off..",

"Are you that eager to see me?", Saint teased.

"Of course, it's not even worth questioning...I miss my best friend..", Saint laughed even more, giving up on rummaging through his brother's stuff. All he found there his contracts and empty folders. He sighed.

"P', I don't miss you.", Saint trailed.

"Hey, that's cruel..", Joss replied, Saint giggled.

"I have to go now.  Please thank your brother for me, P'Joss..",

"Okay...Saint, call me if you need someone to talk to"

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