Chapter 15

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Harry's POV:

The moment I stepped into the back room of the bookstore we were holding the signing at and saw Louis glaring at me, I knew that I was in trouble. I swallowed, looking down as I walked to the other side of the room and sat down in one of the chairs. I could almost feel Louis's gaze burning a hole in my head, which was pretty troubling considering what his powers were.

Liam was the last one to arrive, right about the same time I started smelling smoke.

"Christ Louis, are you trying to burn Harry's hair?" Lou asked, noticing the smell as well. She came up to me and started fanning at my hair, the smoke dissipating.

"Not really," Louis said. Lou scoffed and shook her head.

"Then what the hell are you trying to do?" Louis huffed, taking out his phone.

"I just read this interesting article online," Louis said, "Remember that hospital you visited with Ed Harry?" My stomach sank, "I found this article about some kids from that hospital, some of them on their death beds when Harry visited, being discharged with not a thing wrong with them." Zayn took Louis's phone when he passed it over.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing Louis," Liam said. Louis turned to him and glared.

"I thought that you were all for hiding these powers Liam?" Louis spat, "How the hell are we supposed to be hiding these powers if this fucking idiot keeps healing everyone he feels sorry for?"

"I gave those kids a second chance Louis," I said, "None of them deserved what they were going through."

"I'm not saying that they did," Louis said, "I'm only saying that what you did was insanely stupid. You could've exposed us all!"

"But I didn't!" I yelled, getting up from the chair I was sitting in, "Would it really be that bad if people knew?" Louis walked over to me, getting in my face.

"Are you listening to yourself?" he asked, "Christ revealing our powers could cost us everything!"

"It wouldn't," I said, "We could be heroes Louis. We could help people without having to worry about being recognized."

"We're different now Harry," Louis said, "People wouldn't just automatically accept us as heroes. People would want to know how we got our powers, some would want to know how they could get powers like ours. Do you honestly think things would be better if people knew?"

"Yeah, I actually do," I said. Before Louis could reply, Paul came into the room.

"C'mon boys," he said, "Time to start." Louis glared at me again before storming out of the room.


The signing could've gone better honestly. Louis sat as far away as he possibly could from me. I saw him taking deep breaths as he interacted with the fans, trying to calm himself down. We'd learned that our powers were connected to our emotions, so Louis was clearly trying not to set the books he held alight.

The crowd was starting to thin out when on eof the fans handed me something.

"Hi Harry," she said, handing me a necklace, "I wanted you to have this." I looked at the necklace, it was a simple chain with a yellow-orange stone on the end.

"Thank you love," I said, putting the necklace on. She smiled and I signed her book so she could continue down the line to the others.

When there were only a few fans left, I started to feel off. My chest felt heavy and my throat tickled. By the time we were in the back room again, I was full on coughing.

"You okay Harry?" Niall asked. I shook my head.

"Not really." Louis soffed.

"You were perfectly fine before," he said. Niall glared at him before turning back to me.

"Maybe you should go home and rest," Niall suggested. I nodded, not objecting at all to the idea . My eyelids were already feeling heavy. Niall called over a security guard and asked him to get me a ride home. It wasn't too long before he found a driver to take me home. Niall and the security guard led me out to the car.


Liam's POV:

Harry hadn't looked so good when Niall and a member of security led him out to the car. Once they were out of sight, Louis scoffed again.

"He was perfectly fine before the signing," Louis repeated. I had to admit, it was a little strange. It was as if he'd gotten sick out of no where.

Niall and the guard returned and we sat in the back room for a little while before Lou and Paul arrived.

"Hey boys," Lou said, "Where's Harry?"

"Went home," I said, "He wasn't feeling well." Lou's eyes widened.

"That's not possible," she said.

"That's what I was thinking," Louis said, "He was perfectly fine before the signing. He was probably faking it or something."


"That's not what I meant," Lou said, "I meant, Harry literally cannot get sick. His powers completely prevent it."

"If he can't get sick, then maybe he is faking it."


Niall shook his head, "Not a chance," he said, "He barely had enough energy to get into the car." Louis sat up.

"Then if he's not faking it..."

"Then we've got a big problem.:


Harry's POV:

I got home and nearly collapsed on my way to the bedrom. I just felt so weak, I could barely even lift my legs as I walked down the hallway.

I walked into the bedroom, gripping onto anything I could for support on my way to the bed. I was barely able to kick my shoes off before I sat down on the bed. I lay back and almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out.




Sorry for the wait...

So... um... I'm thinking about rewriting this story a bit... trying to make it better. I might end up doing that soon so... yeah. Just thought I'd let y'all know that.

Until next time, later gaters.

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