Chapter 28

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Louis's POV:

The three of us quickly turned around at the sound of the glass shattering. We heard Liam screaming and all we could do was watch as a body fell five stories to the ground.

I was the first to snap out of my shock, running through the sea of guards until I reached the person on the ground. I wanted to throw up.

His body was mangled, limbs at awkward angles and glass sticking out of his skin and blood pooling beneath him. There was an orange knife sticking out of his stomach and his suit was soaked in blood. There was already bruising around his neck and his eyes were staring blankly at nothing.


"No," I muttered, dropping to my knees and my hands hovering, unsure what to do, how to help. Could I even do anything?!? "No no no no no..."

Liam was still screaming. He was shouting and I heard crackling in the air and there were other people screaming but I couldn't focus on anything else. Harry was... he was dead.

I gripped the handle of the knife in Harry's stomach and pulled it out. I ignored to overwhelming tired I felt when I touched the knife and threw it to the side. The wound in Harry's stomach didn't close.

I let out a loud sob and reached up to Harry's face to pull his mask off. He- I couldn't- this couldn't be happening.

"Harry..." I turned around and saw Niall walking closer, "Is- is he-?" I nodded to Niall and he covered his mouth and let out a sob. My eyes were tearing up and I ripped my mask off and wiped my eyes with my arm, my hands covered in blood. I didn't even register the camera clicks or the people coming back. I didn't care. I just- I didn't fucking care.

"We gotta get him out of here," Zayn said, kneeling down next to Louis, "People are coming back, we can't let them see." I swallowed and nodded. I stood up, crossing my arms and backing away, and Niall walked forward and carefully picked him up before flying away with him. Zayn elbowed my arm and handed me my mask again. I quickly slipped it on and took a deep breath, not letting myself break again out in the open. We still had work to do. I burst into flames and flew up to the fifth floor and landed.

There was carnage all around. The guards were burned to a crisp, their bodies too disfigured for even dental records to identify them. The machine was in parts, again, burned do much, a lot of parts were just melted pieces of metal.

And on the far side of the room, was Liam. He was unarmed, but he was angry, pissed off beyond belief. He held Nathan Tech against the wall by the throat, the other man flailing in Liam's grasp, clawing at his grip. Louis walked over to him and put his hand on Liam's shoulder.

Liam quickly turned his head, and once he saw Louis, he deflated and calmed down a little.


"Let him go Liam."

"But he- Harry..."

"I know, Li," I said, "Death would be too good to him though." Liam's face crumpled for a second, like he was about to cry before he blinked quickly and cleared his throat. He let go of Nathan and Nathan dropped to the ground, gasping for air.

"Weak," he said, his voice shot, "You're all weak." My blood boiled and I kicked Nathan, making the man cry out in pain.

"You're a piece of shit," I said, "I'd kill you if I thought that'd be punishment enough for what you've done, but you deserve so much worse." I kicked him again, and again, and again, and this time it was Liam's turn to calm me down.

"Lou." I turned around and walked away.

Everything was wrong. Everything was just so wrong.

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