Chapter 25

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Harry's POV:

It was a really stupid idea, but really our only option at this point. I quickly moved over to the door and grabbed the handle and pressed my hand against the opposite side of it and pushed hard. The door's hinges broke and I grabbed both sides of the door and picked it up.

Liam crawled up behind me and we slowly moved into the room. I guarded Liam from the shots the guards were taking and used the door to fight against the guards, knocking them out with hard hits from the door.

It wasn't long before the guards in the room were taken out. Liam immediately moved into the center of the room, where the machine controlling the mind control was. It looked simple enough, almost like a generator with a computer attached to it. Liam went for the keyboard right away.

I heard footsteps approaching and readied myself for another fight. Liam looked up briefly from the keyboard before shimmering and going invisible.

One of the doors burst open and several guards ran into the room, unarmed. I ran towards them, using my super strength to take them down, one after the other. Guards just kept coming though, some with guns, some without.

I saw Liam shimmer into view out of the corner of my eye and I kept the guards' focus on me, throwing pieces of furniture at them and knocking out the ones that were getting too close to Liam. A bright light illuminated the room and I glanced at the window just in time to see Louis fly by.

"I'm almost done disabling the mind control program and the kill switch," Liam shouted at me, "Once I'm done, I'll need you to destroy the machine before anyone can activate it again."

"Got it!" I quickly worked at knocking the rest of the guards out. There were only a few guards left when someone started clapping from the door to the stairs. The guards stopped fighting back and backed off and I turned towards the doorway.

Nathan was clapping, slowly making his way towards us.

"Well done boys," he said, "You're a lot stronger than I gave you credit for."  

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