Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

Liam and I just stared as the cut closed and healed, disappearing in seconds.

"What the hell was that?" Liam asked, seriously freaked out.

"I- I don't know," I stammered, pulling my hand back and examining it.

"What'd going on guys?" Louis asked, coming up to stand next to Liam, "Harry, what's with all the blood?" Liam had other questions on his mind.

"Harry what's going on? Why did that just happen?" he asked, "Your hand- your hand just- just fucking healed on its own, what, what the fuck was that?"

"Wait, what was that Li?" Niall asked, walking over to the counter to join us, Zayn following him, "His hand healed itself?" Liam just kept rambling. I on the other hand, was speechless. What the fuck was that?

"Harry, you cut your hand right?" Zayn asked, "Show it to us." I showed them my cut-free hand and they just stared at it.

"I don't get it," Louis sighed, "What's going on?"

I glanced over at Liam, who was still frazzled and freaked out over what he just saw. He started to shimmer, going in and out of focus, until he completely disappeared.

"Li?!" I exclaimed.

"What?" his voice sounded, still sounding freaked out a little.

"Where- where'd you go?" I asked. There was a moment of silence.

"What are you talking about Haz?" Liam asked, "I'm right here!"

"No," Zayn breathed out, "No Li, you're not."

"Okay," Louis said, walking back to the couch, "Can somebody explain to me what the fuck is going on here? Harry's healing himself, Liam's gone invisible, what's next? I just snap my fingers and shoot flames from my hands?" Louis snapped his fingers and to his surprise, a small flame hovered over his fingers. He screamed and blew at the flame, extinguishing it.

Liam appeared, shimmering into visibility and we all just stared at each other, wondering what was going on.

"What on earth was that stuff?" Niall asked quietly after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know," Liam said, "But we need to find out." He walked to the door and opened it, stepping out of the bus. We quickly followed behind him.

"Liam, what do you even plan to do?" I asked after catching up to him. He shrugged.

"We need a sample of the stuff don't we?" he said. We made our way back to the room and when we got there, we walked in... but there was nothing in the room.

"Where is it?" Liam asked, looking everywhere for some sign of the green liquid.

"I don't know," Louis said, sighing. He walked out of the room and looked around, frowning, "I don't get it. How can it just disappear?"

"Someone must have cleaned it up," Niall said. He pulled out his phone and checked the time, "Crap, guys, we're gonna be late for sound check if we don't get going right now."

We ran out of the room and started running down the hallway. I felt a gust of wind blow past me and soon, Niall had sped to the other side of the hallway. He stopped abruptly and tripped, causing him to tumble forward and skid several feet.

We all just stood there in shock for a moment, until Louis started laughing, doubling over and nearly falling to the ground from laughing so hard. Niall looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Shut up Louis!" he called. He got up and brushed himself off, "Ah crap." He looked at his arms, which were scuffed up and bleeding, "Lou's gonna kill me for this." That's when I got an idea. Hey, if I could heal myself, maybe I could heal others...

"Could I try something Niall?" I asked, walking towards him. He nodded. I grabbed his arms and focused, putting all my thoughts and energy into trying to heal Niall's scrapes. It took a few seconds, but the scrapes began to disappear and within seconds they were gone.

"Incredible," Niall said, "Thanks Harry."

"No problem," I said, "But like you said before, we'd better hurry if we're going to make it to sound check in time. Just try to pace yourself this time though Niall." The five of us hurried to out of the corridors and to the stage.


Well, here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!

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