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Harry's POV:

A lot has changed in the past three years.

We were still a band, still touring and recording albums, just taking it slower, taking more time off and taking more time to make our music.

We were also still superheroes, only now, the whole world knew it. We weren't The Undercover Heroes anymore, we were One Direction, boy band and superhero team.

We had our own superhero lair, we'd bought out a flat complex and turned the basement into our headquarters and each of us took one floor for ourselves, and had it renovated to our likes and needs. We had a system to tell us who needed our help and where, and each of us wore watches that blared an alarm when we had to go out.

Our powers had grown stronger and we'd gotten control over them. We'd even managed to discover a couple more powers. Liam had discovered his power over electricity when Nathan had killed me, frying almost everyone in the room and the mind control machine. Zayn discovered his power to teleport when we'd been fighting a group of thieves, when one of them had pushed Niall off the edge of the roof, he'd teleported out of nowhere and caught him before teleporting to safety. I discovered a rather... disturbing power, the ability to control blood, which was an extension of my healing powers, I don't like going into detail on how I found that out. I didn't like using that power. Louis discovered that he could explode, literally, and reform again, he'd accidentally blown up one of our tour buses while he was alone. Niall didn't have anymore hidden powers, and that was alright with him, he already liked the ones he had.

Our watches had gone off just a few minutes ago, spouting off the details of where we needed to be, and we were already standing outside the shop, just out of sight of the robbers inside, where they were holding hostages.

It was decided that Louis would go in first. He walked up to the shop and just walked through the door, ignoring the shouts from the robbers to get back or they'd shoot. He turned to them as the door closed behind him and smirked at them.

"Now, I'm only going to ask you to put down your weapons once," he said, "You put down your weapons, I turn you in to the police, we all walk away without getting hurt." In response, one of the robbers shot their gun and Louis summoned a ball of flames and caught the bullet before it hit him, melting it into a puddle of molten metal before letting it fall to the ground, where it landed with a sizzle.

"Alright then," Louis sighed. He gave us the signal and the four of us came in and the fight began. It was rather unfair for the robbers really, five superhumans against them, but they made their choice.

I was focused on the robber fighting me. He managed to land a shot to my chest and I gasped for breath for a second before the bullet fell out of the wound it had made, the wound sealing up by the time the bullet had hit the ground. This had happened a few other times, where I'd been hit with what should have been a fatal blow, nothing as bad as that first time though.

I landed a good punch to the guy's face to knock him out and my fight was over. It had gone similarly for the others, who were now getting the rest of the hostages out of the building and towards the policemen outside.

After this, we'd all go home, we'd rest up for work the next day, writing our next album. Tomorrow, we'd get to work and keep an eye out for crimes to stop, people who needed help. And we'll be doing this over and over again, for as long as we're able to.



I have an idea for a sequel........ I'm just gonna plan it out a bit before I start actually writing it I think...

Undercover Heroes (One Direction Superhero AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu