Chapter 19

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(I changed the list of powers that the boys found out about at the end of Chapter 14. I highly suggest you check chapter before you read this one, otherwise you might be a little confused during this chapter.)


Liam's POV:

We hadn't heard back from Harry for a day and we were all worried now. We'd decided to stay together, so we were waiting in my flat for anything from Harry. Zayn'd been trying to concentrate on Harry, trying to get something from him using his telepathy but he hadn't felt anything out of the ordinary coming from him.

"I've still got a bad feeling about this," Zayn said, "I feel like something's gone wrong."

"We all feel like something's gone wrong," Louis sighed, "If we could just- if we could just go to X Tech, just to check up on him..."

"I've got no idea where X Tech is," Niall said, "Even if I did know, I doubt we'd be able to get close to it. Nathan's probably got the place securely guarded."

I just kept staring at my laptop. I'd had it open, trying to distract myself from worrying about Harry, but I had no luck there. There's gotta be a way we could find Harry's location...

All of a sudden my laptop's screen went black, then green numbers flashed on the screen before a map came up. I let out a shout and pushed it off of my legs and onto the sofa I was sitting on.

"Fucking christ-"

"Liam?" Louis walked over to my laptop and picked it up, "What is this?"

"It just came up, I've got no clue." Louis studied the screen for a bit before walking over to the table and setting it down.

"Someone pull up Harry's number." Niall pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened his contact list before handing his phone to Louis. Louis looked back and forth between the phone and the laptop a couple times.

"That's Harry's number," Louis said, pointing to a flashing dot on the map.

"You think that's where Harry is?" I asked, walking over to the table and looking over Louis's shoulder at the computer screen.

"I don't know, how'd you even get this on here?" Louis asked. I shrugged.

"I was just thinking that there had to be a way to find Harry and then this happened." Louis furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at the computer. He handed Niall's phone to me.

"Tell the phone to do something," he said.


"Just- humor me here. Think about what you want the phone to do and then tell it to do it."

"Uh..." I thought for a moment. Umm... bring up the second avengers movie?

The phone screen went black before a video appeared. Louis took back the phone and looked at the screen.

"Okay then," Louis said, "Congratulations Liam, you've got another power."

"Is it legit though?" Niall asked, "The map I mean. Is that really where Harry is?"

"I don't kn-" Louis started, but was interrupted by Zayn.

"Fuck!" We turned around to see Zayn curling in on himself.

"Zayn?! What-"

"It's Harry," Zayn said, gritting his teeth, "They're hurting him."

"How do you-" Liam started. Zayn uncurled and held his arms out. We watched as his skin blistered and healed, up his arm and back down again.

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