Chapter 32

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Harry's POV:

A month had passed since I woke up. I was completely healed now, like I'd never died in the first place.

Management had been trying to contact the boys for two weeks after the pictures had come out. Everyone saw Louis's face, everyone knew that Louis had powers now, and it was only a matter of time before the world made the connection that the rest of us did as well. We had to address it.

Louis was all for pulling a Tony Stark. He wanted to completely ignore the story management told us to tell and be honest about it. But management wanted to keep it quiet. We all thought it was a stupid idea, there was no way people would believe it. It wasn't exactly the first bad choice our management had made.

So, here we were, sitting at a table in front of several news outlets, holding a press conference.

It was the first question asked.

"There've been rumors going around that you five are the undercover heroes that stopped Nathan Tech from taking over the world," one reporter said, "Is there any truth to this?"

I went over the story we were supposed to spin. That the hero in Louis's suit was just a look alike, that the one who had died wasn't me, that we weren't heroes, we were just a boy band.

Louis huffed and grabbed the microphone in front of him.

"Yep," he said, "We're the undercover heroes." The four of us held our breath as the reporters took in Louis's statement.

The camera flashes tripled and questions were screamed at us. I smiled.

It was time for a new management anyways. 



Just the epilogue left! I know this is a short chapter but oh well...

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