Chapter 16

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Liam's POV:

Paul drove us all to Harry's flat and when we got there, the boys and I practically sprinted up the stairs to his flat. I turned the door knob, relieved when it opened. We looked around the flat before I found him in the bedroom, passed out on top of his bed.

"Guys, he's in the bedroom," I said, heading over to him. I felt his forehead and he was burning up. The others came into the room, Lou and Paul standing at the doorway.

"He's burning up guys," I said.

"Harry," Louis said, shaking his shoulder, "Wake up Harry."


"If he can't get sick, then there's something seriously wrong," Louis said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'd feel a lot better about this if he was awake." Louis did have a point, so I shook Harry's shoulder gently.

"Harry, wake up." He didn't even stir. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shook his shoulder harder; still nothing. I grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him. His head lolled limply to the side, him not reacting.

"He's not waking up..."

"We gotta find out what's wrong," Lou said.

"maybe he just came into contact with our kryptonite," Zayn suggested.

"It's still gotta be with him then," Louis said, "Otherwise he'd be getting better." I looked over Harry, trying to find anything out of the ordinary. I noticed a chain on his neck and reached for it, pulling it until it was out from under his shirt. I looked at the stone at the end of it and picked it up.

I was almost immediately overcome by a wave of weakness, my knees giving out under me, forcing me to kneel next to the bed.

"Liam?" Niall asked, concerned.

"It's the necklace," I said, letting go of the stone and sitting down on the floor, "Get it off of him." Paul came into the room and got the necklace off of Harry. I leaned back on the bed, still feeling weak, but slowly starting to feel better.

There was some shuffling around as everyone moved around the room. Niall, Zayn, and Louis were basically pushed out of the room by Lou and Paul put the necklace in a bag before leaving the flat.

After a few minutes of silence in the room, Lou came back with a water bottle and a damp cloth. She handed the water bottle to me and put the cloth on Harry's forehead before she turned back to me and helped me stand up.

"You okay?" she asked. I nodded, taking a sip from the bottle, "Go and lay down on the sofa okay? I'll let you guys know when he wakes up." I nodded again before heading out into the living room, falling back onto the closest sofa.

"You okay Li?" Niall asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good."."What was it like?" Louis asked, "Touching the stone?"

"It was like all of my energy disappearing all at once. It probably would've been worse if I'd held it longer."

"I wonder why it took so long to affect Harry but affected you right away," Zayn wondered.

"Well, he can heal himself," Louis said, "That was probably slowing down the whole kryptonite process."

"What even was that rock?" Niall asked. Paul came back into the flat.

"You okay Liam?" he asked. I gave him a thumbs up, not really wanting to talk. I still didn't have much energy and just felt like taking a nap even though that'd probably be the bad idea considering the reason I felt so weak. Paul sat in one of the chairs, "I've got this friend who can probably identify the rock. Making sure you don't come into contact with it again is a whole different problem."

We heard Lou talking from Harry's bedroom, "No, Harry lay down." There were footsteps coming from the hallway and then Harry emerged.

"Harry!" Louis leaped from his spot on the other sofa and nearly knocked Harry over in the process of giving him a hug. Niall and Zayn followed and I smiled as I watched the group hug.

"Hi lads," Harry said, "What happened?"

"You managed to find our kryptonite," Louis said as he, Niall, and Zayn stepped back to give Harry some space.

Paul's phone rang and he stepped outside the flat to answer it.

Harry looked over at me and frowned.

"You okay Liam?" I held up a thumbs up.

"'m fine," I said, "Just touched the kryptonite." Harry came and sat at the end of the sofa, then laid down on top of me.

"Well, as long as you're okay." I was about to say something more when we heard Paul shouting from the hallway. We exchanged glances and were about to go and see what was wrong when Paul came back into the flat.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked. Paul sighed.

"That was management," he said, "They want to send Harry to X Tech."

The was a moment of silence throughout the flat.

"Absolutely not."



I'm sorry I didn't type this up sooner, but I couldn't really bring myself to until now. I'm not writing Zayn out of this story. I'm not even sure around what time this story is taking place (I really should try and figure that out soon), but it's obviously not during the OTRA tour and even if it was, it's fiction and what I write goes. So, Zayn's not leaving. They're going to be happy (as a band at least) and stay together.

I'm calling this "Alternate Universe: Canon Divergence: HAPPY DIRECTION"

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