Chapter 22

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Harry's POV:

For the past two months we'd been researching this tablet. There wasn't much information that was available to the public about it just yet, but Liam had managed to hack into X Tech's files and find out more.

We couldn't make much sense of how the tablet worked, the files showed diagrams of each essential part of the tablet and the smaller parts that made up those parts and all we could see was lines and shapes on the documents, it didn't make any sense to any of us.

The tablet was being released in just one more month, with a special concert from the band that'd been promoting it and some words from Nathan Tech himself. It was planned to be public, somewhere out in the open with a lot of people around and that was something that kind of unsettled us. If Nathan was planning to doing something sinister with the tablet, a lot of people could get hurt, possibly killed.

As for Little Mix, they'd returned from their trip to X Tech. Zayn was keeping an eye on the girls without letting them know he was watching them. They didn't seem to be changed in any way. They acted like themselves and we had a feeling it was because Nathan worked out the kinks in the tablet's mind control.

And unfortunately, we couldn't do anything to help the girls. They'd been back for only a couple days when Perrie, out of the blue, started acting off. Zayn had asked her what was wrong and she told him that if any of them tried destroying the tablet, Nathan had built in a kill switch that could be activated from X Tech. And all Zayn could do was look at Perrie, horrified, as she went back to her normal self, completely unaware of what she'd just said.

Now we were beginning to come up with a plan to stop the tablet from being released. Fortunately, the event was happening before the tablet would be availiable to the public, so we could get to Nathan in time to hopefully stop him.



Hellllooooooo. This is a ridiculously short chapter with absolutely nothing exciting happening, and I apologize for the long wait for just this. But the story's plot and timeline will be picking up really quickly after this, because I'm eager to get to the last few chapters because I've kinda had the ending planned ever since I started this fanfic. When I'm excited about chapters, I write and post them pretty quickly, so I'll hopefully be posting soon. And if you know me, the only reason I get excited over posting chapters is if characters are being maimed, because I'm just evil like that. It's gonna be good. >:)

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