Chapter 26

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Louis's POV:

Niall and I were teaming up on the guards fighting him, making our way towards Zayn to try and help him. It took far too long, but eventually we got to him.

We fought the guards, back to back, Niall freezing the guards' feet where they stood, Zayn using the microphone stand to hit guards over the head and knock them out, me using the fire to disable the guns and give the guards burns severe enough to keep them from attacking.

Eventually, the guards stopped coming.

"Fucking hell," Niall breathed out, relaxing from the defensive stance he'd held since the fight began. He stretched and hissed at the pain in his shoulder and I turned to take a look at it. His suit was now stained red, but it looked like it wasn't bleeding as much anymore, he'd be fine.

"We'll have Harry take a look at it later," I said. Niall nodded and sighed. Zayn stiffened.

"Guys," he said, nodding his head towards something in front of us. Niall and I turned around to see the Little Mix girls walking towards us.

"Give us your best," Jade said, and the girls took defensive positions.

"We can't fight them," Zayn said.

"I know," I said. I looked up at the window I'd seen Harry and Liam in, "You think liams disabled the machine yet?"

"Dunno," Niall said.

"Well, let's hope he has," I said, "Just block them when they fight and try not to hurt them, I'll go find their tablets."


"We don't have another choice Zayn," I said, "It's either they kill us or we seriously hurt them if I don't do this. Destroying their tablets is the best option." Zayn paused for a second before nodding. I backed away and ran towards the edge of the stage before hopping down and running around to the backstage area.

I looked around, looking for something that would tell me where the girls' tablets would be. As I walked away from the stage, I heard Niall swearing and Zayn trying to talk to the girls. I tried to hurry up. I searched the area close to the stage and went farther away until I reached the makeup area. I found a purse and opened it, going through it until I pulled out a tablet from X Tech.

My hands heated up and I watched as the tablet in my hand melted and I molded it into a ball before tossing it away. One down, three to go.

I found two more near the makeup table and melted and destroyed them and I kept searching for the last one.

I was just starting to search through chairs and sofas when I heard Niall yelling.

"Louis hurry the fuck up!!" I pulled the sofa cushions away and found the last tablet. I melted it and hurried towards the stage, running around it towards the front.

Niall was bent over, hands on his knees and breathing hard, while Zayn was holding and unconscious Perrie up, slowly easing her to the ground. Jade, Jesy, and Leigh Anne were unconscious around them.

"You didn't knock them out did you?" I asked and Niall glanced up at me and shook his head.

"Nah," he said, "I guess when you destroyed their tablets they started passing out one by one. Perrie actually nearly choked Zayn when you destroyed her's."

"And they're still...?" I didn't want to finish the question, I just hoped Liam had disabled the kill switch in time. Zayn pressed his fingers to the side of Perrie's neck.

"She's still got a pulse," he said, "Just knocked out." Niall and Zayn moved to check on the other three and it was the same.

I looked around and took a deep breath. The fight was over, we just had to wait for Liam and Harry to come out of the building.

I was just starting to relax when I heard the sound of glass shattering.

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