Chapter 10

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Harry’s POV:

~ Four Days Later ~

I’d finished my part of the promoting and I was now free to do what I wanted to for the last two days that I’d be here in L.A. Ed was in L.A. for promotion as well so I met up with him and tagged along.

After a couple of his radio interviews, Ed and I headed to the children’s hospital. Ed had this idea a couple days back about visiting the patients and just trying to cheer them up and I thought that it’d be a good idea to do the same. I got to the first room where a patient, a little girl with a weak heart, lay watching a superhero movie.

Since I left for L.A., I hadn’t really thought about our powers all that much, but now that I’d remembered, I had an even better idea than just trying to cheer up the kids. The little girl noticed me and her whole face lit up.

“Harry Styles?”

“Hi love,” I said, smiling back at her, “What’s your name?”

“Cinder,” she said. Her parents sat at her side, smiling at how happy their daughter was at the moment.

I sat in the room, talking to her for a bit, when she asked if she could have a picture with me. Her mom grabbed her camera and I put my arm around Cinder, putting all my energy into healing her as her mom took the picture.

It was the same for most of the kids I visited. If they wanted a picture with me I healed them then, and if they didn’t I’d hug them before I left and healing them then. By the time Ed had found me and said that it was time to leave I was exhausted from the effort, but it was completely worth it.

Ed dropped me back at my hotel and we said our goodbyes as he was going back to the UK a day before I was. I headed inside and up to my room, unlocking and opening the door just as my phone went off. I unlocked it and opened a text message from Liam.

LiLi: heyy haz, have you heard from niall??


I furrowed my eyebrows and texted back.

H: ermm… no? was he supposed to text or call me or something?


L: no no i just haven’t heard from in in four days. m just a lil worried is all

H: i’m sure he’s fine li, he’s testing out that tablet right? maybe he’s just gotten addicted to the thing

L: he hasn’t even tweeted though… idk i just have a bad feeling

H: well, we’ll be seeing him in a couple days right? i’ll bet you he’ll be glued to the tablet as soon as he has the chance

L: you think they’ll let him have one?

H: li, this is niall we’re talking about, since when doesn’t niall get what he wants. even when he hasn’t asked for something people’ll just give him what he wants. it’s the irish charm i tell ya

L: you’ve got a point there I guess.

H: when don’t i?

L: plenty of times haz, plenty of times

H: oh shut up, what you been up to by the way? having fun in chicago?

L: man, chicago’s amazing, wish i could stay here longer. what about you? l.a. treating you well?

H: yeah, finished with promotions and hung out with ed today, we visited a children’s hospital

L: … harry… please tell me you didn’t

H: didn’t what

L: Harry. You didn’t heal anyone did you?

H: ……


H: whaaattt i couldn’t just not do anything they’re just kids li they didn’t deserve what they were going thru

L: i’m not saying that what you did was wrong, but won’t people start, oh, you know, ASKING QUESTIONS WHEN A BUNCH OF KID ARE JUST MAGICALLY HEALED OF ILLNESSES THAT IM SURE SOME OF THEM HAVE HAD FOR YEARS


H: liiiiiiiiiii

L: damnit harry just… don’t do something like that again, jesus christ did you even think it through before you did that

H: not really i guess

L: just… just be more careful okay haz. you don’t want to get found out

H: alright, i’ll see you in a couple days. and don’t worry about niall, i’m sure he’s fine

L: see you in a couple haz, and i hope so

I backed out of the conversation with Liam and pulled up my last conversation with Niall.

Nialler: wut

I typed up a quick message and sent it.

H: hey niall, how’s the tablet testing going? finally figure out where you are yet?

N: It is going great Harry. It is really fun and cool. And I am at some company called X Tech.

I blinked. Okayyy… at least Niall responded to the text, but, he never texts like this… with proper grammar and stuff. Huh, weird.

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