Chapter 7

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Niall’s POV:

The bus drove us to the airport and dropped us off. Harry’s plane left first, he was heading to L.A. for radio interviews and meeting up with some actress to stir up some rumors. Hey, any publicity is good publicity to management.

Louis’s plane left second. He was headed to New York for some TV interviews. After that, he’d be able to fly his girlfriend out to New York and spend some time with her.

Zayn’s plane left third. He was being flown to London for a couple interviews here and there and to spend some time with Perrie. Yes, they really were a couple and they really did love each other, but that didn’t mean both our management and Little Mix’s management didn’t take advantage of Zayn and Perrie’s relationship to promote both of our bands.

Liam left just before I did. He was headed to Chicago, again, for interviews. After that, he’d have a few days off.

I was the last one to leave the airport. I was being flown to… well I didn’t know where I was going. No one would tell me. No one would tell me what I would be doing when I got there either.

I was led outside to the plane and as I stepped up to board I looked behind me at Paul and Preston, one of the other security guards.

“Is one of you coming with or…?”

“No,” Paul said, shaking his head, “Where you’re going they’ll have security for you in case something happens.” I nodded slowly and got on the plane. It was a private plane, and while I thought someone from the company who made the tablet would be on board to explain to me what I’d be doing when we landed, there was no one on board but an attendant and the pilot.

I gave up on trying to figure out what I’d have to do and just tried to get comfortable enough in the seat to take a small nap, which really wasn’t that hard, the seats were comfy. Soon enough, I’d drifted off to sleep.

“Mr. Horan.” I was being shaken awake and peeled my eyes open and looked around. The attendant was standing next to my seat, “Mr. Horan, we’ll be landing in a minute or two.”

“M’kay,” I said, “Um, this might sound a bit strange, but where are we landing?” The attendant just smiled and walked away to sit down and buckle up for landing. I sighed and buckled up.

When the plane landed, I grabbed my things and walked to the exit. I definitely didn’t expect to be where we were when I stepped off the plane.

The plane had landed on a normal runway and all. But there was literally nothing else in sight. No distinct landmarks or buildings. Just green grass and rolling hills.

Waiting for me in front of the plane were two men, dressed in black suits and wearing sunglasses; they looked as if they had walked straight off the screen of a Men in Black movie. I walked over to them and one of them looked down at me.

“Niall Horan?” I nodded, “Follow me please.” He walked forward and I followed him, the second guy following behind me. I had no clue where we were going. I mean, where was there to go? There weren’t any buildings anywhere!!

We walked off the end of the runway and into the grass.

“Erm… where are we going?” I asked the guy in front of me. He didn’t answer. I looked back at suit guy number two, “Can you tell me?” Again, silence. I huffed and just kept following.

In a minute or two, we reached what looked like a wooden pole in the ground, that was far away enough from the runway to not be seen.

We stopped and guy number one grabbed the top of the pole and flipped it open. The top of the pole had covered a button, that suit guy number one pressed and covered up once again. Just moments later, the ground rose. Or rather, the ground we were standing on sunk into the ground around it.

“What the fuck…”

I looked down at my feet and the grass we stood on flickered and disappeared, revealing a metal plate. I looked around us and I started to feel nervous when I saw we were descending in a hollow glass tube. Outside the tube I saw machines and offices and workers doing, well, work.

Unfortunately for me, the tube wasn’t that big. I just closed my eyes and took deep breaths to try and keep my claustrophobia under control.

Don’t get stuck, don’t get stuck, for the love of God and all that is holy please don’t get stuck.

The lift came to a stop and I opened my eyes when I heard a door open.

“Follow us Mr. Horan,” suit guy number one said. I heaved my bag higher up on my shoulders and followed them down a hallway towards a set of double doors. Each of the suit guys grabbed one of the door handles and pushed the door open.


I'm just gonna leave this chapter here. Nice cliffhanger to end the chapter.

I actually wrote this chapter in one sitting, don't know how I did, but I did...

So I'm helping my mom and sister put away groceries, right? I grab one of the bags and look into it and just freeze.
Me: Mom...
Mom: Yeah?
Me: ... why did you buy a One Direction Tooth Tunes toothbrush...??
Mom: *smiles and takes the bag away, saying nothing*

... idek...

Anyways, until next time, later gaters!!

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