Chapter 27

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A.N.: I really didn't want to wait three days to post the chapters... so here ya go.


Harry's POV:

Nathan got some of the guards' attention and pointed to Liam. Nathan kept walking forward and I heard the sound of Liam struggling and looked over to him to see that Liam was being held by two guards. Nathan snapped his fingers and I looked back at him.

"I'm glad to see you recovered from our last meeting, Harry," he said, "You've recovered really well, but this ends here. I hope you get that."

"It will," I said, "We'll stop you, shut down your program." Nathan smirked.

"Oh Harry," he laughed, "You don't stand a chance against me." Nathan held his hand out and Harry was flown backward, skidding across the floor until his head hit the window with a loud thunk!

I quickly got up and stared at Nathan. What the hell was that?!

"How do you think you boys got your powers?" Nathan asked, "My solution? I had to have it hidden where no one would think to look and here it turns out that some boyband came across it and ended up with powers because of it!" He walked closer to me and I walked away from the window, not having a good feeling about being anywhere near it, "I cleaned up the rest of the solution as soon as I got word of what went on and used it on myself." He smiled, "You five aren't the only ones with powers."

"Then why the hell were you asking me how we got our powers?" I asked.

"That was mostly just fun," he said, "And to test out our kryptonite." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a glove and put it on his hand before he reached into the other side of his jacket and pulled out an orange knife, "I couldn't test this on myself of course. You five were the best option and it just happened that you were the first to come to X Tech." My fists were clenched and my nails were digging into my skin. I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. Nathan walked towards Liam and when he reached him, he pressed the blade of the knife to his neck. Just his skin being in contact with the knife made Liam's knees buckle, his energy draining from his body.

"Now, I'm going to end this Harry." Nathan held his hand towards me and knocked me back again and he had to move quick to recover and run towards Nathan before he could use the knife on Liam. I grabbed the hand that held the knife and used as much force as I could to bend it. Nathan cried out as I heard a loud crack and his arm broke. The rest of the guards made to intervene but Nathan held his hand up to stop them.

"Leave it," he said, stretching out his arm. I heard more cracks and he moved his arm around again, as though it was healed again.

"I can tap into any of your powers, Harry," Nathan said, having noticed my horrified look, "Now, enough of this."

He held out his hand and the knife zoomed into his hand again but before I could do anything, the hand holding the knife thrust forward and my abdomen exploded in pain. I screamed and my knees buckled. I could feel my energy being drained from me and I looked down to see the knife embedded up to the hilt into my stomach. My suit was quickly being stained with blood and I made to pull it out, my healing powers would keep me from bleeding out. Before I could though, I was roughly lifted to my feet and Nathan was standing in front of me, holding me up as he pushed me backwards.

I stumbled backwards until my back hit the window and I was cornered by Nathan in front of me. I couldn't muster up any energy to do anything, as he lifted his hands to rest on the sides of my head.

"You've lost, Harry," he said.

I heard a sickening crack and everything went dark.

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