Chapter 24

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Louis's POV:

Niall, Zayn, and I pulled our masks down and waited for a couple minutes after Liam and Harry left before making a move. Niall zoomed away until he was on the ground and Zayn made a part of the stage come up to him and gently bring him to the ground, while I burst into flames and flew over the crowd with a loud whoooosh. I heard the crowd screaming, but I ignored the screams in favor of locating Nathan.

I found him backstage, glaring up at me. He saw him huff before turning to the Little mix girls and speaking to them.

The girls walked up onstage and Perrie walked up to her own mic and spoke into it.

"Come down here," Perrie said, "Nathan wants to talk to you." I hovered where I was, and crossed my arms, taking a clearly defiant stance. No way in hell we were going near Nathan unless it was to give him a good punch to the face. Perrie sighed into the microphone.

"That what I thought." Perrie looked over towards the building we'd been on the roof of and she snapped her finger once. Hundreds of guards came storming out of the building and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Why hadn't we taken the guards into consideration?

Niall looked up at me to silently come up with a plan while Zayn reached the stage. Zayn moved around the stage, unplugging the girl's microphones and then walked up to Perrie and tried talking to her, but his words didn't seem to be getting through.

The guards aimed their guns at the audience and there were more screams. Niall flew over to my side just as another voice spoke.

"You boys need to give up now," Nathan spoke into his own microphone as he walked up towards the stage, "Otherwise we'll have a lot of casualties on our hands." Niall and I exchanged glances. We'd have to do this quickly if we wanted to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

I nodded at Niall and started throwing fireballs down at the guards just as Niall shot beams of ice at them, both of us aiming for the guns in their hands. The guards moved their aim to us and shot up into the air at me and tried aiming for Niall as he zoomed around, drawing more screams from the crowd. We dodged and swerved, avoiding the bullets and I flew in closer to the guards.

We'd damaged about half of the guns and incapacitated the other half of the guards before Niall got hit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him get flown back by the force of the bullet and I paused only long enough to make sure it wasn't a fatal hit. Niall recovered quickly though, gritting his teeth and curling his right arm into himself, trying not to move it so he wouldn't aggravate his shoulder. The shoulder of his suit quickly got stained with the blood but Niall ignored it and kept fighting.

I flew down to the guards and grabbed one of their guns, knocking it into the owner's head before he let go and fell to the ground. I used the handle of the gun to knock another guard out before my hands burst into flames again and I started throwing more fireballs. I could hear Zayn talking to the crowd, getting them to leave, go as far away as possible to get out of harms way. He occasionally get cut off by a guard, one who'd gotten past Niall and I and made his way up to the stage, only to get knocked out by Zayn using his telekinesis to throw the guard's body against the nearest building.

I flew up into the air again and zoomed around, throwing fireballs at any guards that seemed too uninjured. I flew by the window of the building we'd been on the roof of and through the window I saw Liam working on the machine, typing at the computer attached to it, while Harry fought off a couple guards and I got hopeful. Things were going well so far.

That was, until I saw Nathan make his way towards the building. I flew towards him and threw fireball after fireball at him, somehow managing to miss everytime. He reached the door to the building and turned around, he had just enough time to look smug before I shot the largest fireball I could manage, straight towards him. He ducked inside and the fireball exploded where he'd been standing. I landed on the ground in front of the building and saw Nathan heading towards the stairwell through the shattered glass and was just about to follow him.


I turned around and Niall was on the ground now, handling several guards on his own, trying to keep from using his injured arm. Zayn had stopped talking to the crowd as well, now dealing with more than just one guard at a time.

I looked back at Nathan in time to see him walk through the door of the stairwell and I cursed, running towards Zayn and Niall to help them out.

Harry and Liam could handle Nathan.



Whenever I think of where I'm heading with this, I honest to god just cackle. I'm so excited to get to that chapter, y'all have NO IDEA.

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