Chapter 17

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Harry's POV:

"He's not going there," Louis said, "I'm not letting him go there." Paul sighed. It was the day that I was supposed to be flown to X Tech Headquarters and to say that nerves were high would be an understatement. Louis'd been protesting my leaving for the building since we found out. Honestly, I was terrified. What if they did to me what they did to Niall? Or worse?

"I can't tell management what you can and can't do and as much as I hate to admit it, neither can you Louis," Paul said, "I can't stop this from happening, he has to go there."

"Then tell them why he can't go!"

"I highly doubt that's gonna go over well Louis. 'Yeah hello? Harry can't go over to X Tech because the head of the company is a madmen who had control over Niall's mind when he came back from the company and we think he's going to do the same to Harry." Niall winced, then sighed and got up.

"Harry," he said, "Just, just be careful there. Nathan Tech's going to be all nice to you, he's going to offer you things that'll be hard to resist and then he'll double cross you once he's earned your trust. Just don't trust anything he's telling you. Don't trust anything he's doing." I nodded, kicking at the side of my suitcase. Paul got a text and he sighed.

"That's the driver," Paul said, "He's here." I swallowed before picking up my suitcase. The boys stood up from where they were sitting and came over to hug me.

"Just keep texting us Harry," Liam said, "If you stop texting, we'll know something's gone wrong and we'll do what we can to get you out of there." I nodded and followed Paul out of my flat and towards the car. There were two men in black suits waiting outside and the car and I tried not to visibly tense up at the sight of them. I put my suitcase in the boot of the car and got into the back seat. Paul was about to follow when one of the men outside stopped him.

"We've got it from here sir." Paul glanced at me and I shrugged. Paul nodded at the man.

"Okay," he said, backing away. The two men got into the car, one in the front, the other in the backseat with me, and the driver took off.

A few minutes later, I got a text from Liam. I glanced over at the man next to me and saw that he was looking forward. I opened the text.

LiLi: paul came back up and said you had to leave without him, what happened???

I glanced at the man again and when I saw that he was still looking forward, I typed back a response.

H: 2 X Tech guys (at least I'm assuming they are??) were waiting outside and said that they could take over for Paul

L: are u ok at least???

H: Yeah, but it's probably only just the beginning...

L: ughh, don't remind me. be careful haz

H: I will be :)

I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. I looked at the man next to me again and he was still looking forward. I slumped down in my seat and sighed.

When we got close to the airport, I sat up in my seat. The turn was coming up on the road and I waited for the driver to turn.

He drove right past it.

"Umm..." I started, "The turn for the airport's back there." No one spoke, "You missed the airport." Quiet.

I leaned back in my seat and pulled out my phone. I was about to unlock it when it was taken from my hands.

"No phones," the man next to me said. I tensed and leaned towards the window.


We drove for a couple of hours until we were out of the city. The driver drove off the road and into a field. I looked forward and saw that there was a plane waiting towards the middle of the field.

The driver stopped and the two men got out of the car. One of them went to the boot to retrieve my suitcase and the other opened my door for me. I got out of the car and the man who opened the door slammed it shut. The car drove off as soon as the door was shut.

"Follow me," the man with my suitcase said. I glanced around and started following him, the second man right behind me. We boarded the plane and sat down.

When the plane landed, I was led out of it by the two men. We'd landed on a runway set in the middle of nowhere. We walked off the plane and down the runway into the grass, stopping at a wooden pole stuck in the ground. One of the men flipped open the top of the pole and pressed a button and covered it back up again. The ground underneath us sunk down, the grass we were standing on flickered and disappeared, revealing a metal plate. I looked around and saw that we were in a tube, descending to what I could only assume was X Tech.


Of course I had to leave it at a cliffhanger, don't y'all know me by now???

Until next time, later gaters!

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