Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

It was the next day and, thankfully, we didn't have anything to do. This gave us an excuse to figure out some things. For example, learning to control our powers.

We were able to find a gym to work at. Lou was the only other person besides us in the gym and there were security guards at the doors to make sure no one came in. We didn't want to have to explain to another person why Louis was on fire or why things were flying around the room.

"Okay," Liam said, clapping his hands, "How do we plan on doing this?"

"Just go with what we know I guess," Louis said, "Zayn should practice picking up things with his telekinesis, Liam, you should learn how not to go invisible when under stress, Harry, I think you've pretty much mastered your power, just heal us if we end up getting hurt, Niall, it seems as though you've got two powers, so work on the water and ice powers then."

"What about you?" Niall asked him.

"Honestly, I think it's safer if I don't practice," Louis said, "I don't wanna set the building on fire on accident."

"Wow, very responsible Louis," I said. He just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know. If word gets out that I was responsible for once, just keep in mind that I can burn you." Liam, Zayn, and Niall went off to practice, while Louis and I went to stand by Lou.

"Hey boys," she said.

"Hey Lou," Louis and I said in unison.

"You still up for making the superhero suits?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "I'm getting Caroline to help me." Louis and I exchanged wide eyed looks before looking back at Lou, "No, I didn't tell her! I wouldn't do that to you boys. She just thinks that the suits will be for a photo shoot, but when word gets out that there are five superheroes fighting crime, she's bound to put two and two together. You'll have to tell her eventually."

"That should be interesting," Louis said, "We're also probably gonna have to tell Paul eventually too. He is head of security and our tour manager after all." We watched as Zayn made a few objects fly around the room at once. One weight had started flying towards Liam and Liam had no idea. Zayn saw that it was heading for Liam and stopped controlling the items, but with the momentum the weight had was built up, and it kept going.

"Liam, watch out!"

Liam turned his head and saw the weight come flying at him, lifting his hand up to attempt to block the weight. A glowing, blue shield materialized in front of Liam and the weight hit it, disintegrating on contact. Liam pulled his hand back and cried out in surprise, jumping and going invisible again.

"Holy crap!" his disembodied voice said.

"You okay Liam?" Zayn asked, walking over to where Liam was standing... somewhere...

"Yeah," Liam breathed out, "Jesus Christ that scared me!"

"I'm so sorry Liam," Zayn apologized, "I thought it would just stop when I let go of it-"

"It’s fine Zayn," Liam said, "No one got hurt."

“You know what,” Louis said, walking towards the others and I followed him, “Maybe it’d be a better idea for us to work one at a time on the powers.” The rest of us agreed and we went on to decide whose powers we would work on first. It was finally decided that Niall would practice first and he went into the middle of the room.

“I’m gonna need some help,” Niall said, “Zayn could you move that above my head?” Niall pointed to a nearby water bottle and Zayn levitated it. The top popped off and Zayn tipped the water bottle over.

Niall held his hand out and a blue frost spluttered from his hands, only to disappear a second later. The water splashed over Niall’s head and he stood there for a moment with his eyes closed.

“Damnit,” he said.

“See?” Louis laughed, “This is why we’re practicing. So this doesn’t happen in a real life situation.”

“Louis since when is all this a real life situation?” Liam asked, rolling his eyes, “I mean really, what other real life superheroes do you know of?”

“Good point there Liam, but still.” I tossed a towel to Niall and he threw the towel over his head, trying to dry off as much as he could.

“Let’s try that again,” Niall said, throwing the towel to the side, “But just don’t pour it on my head this time?” Zayn levitated another water bottle and popped off the cap, moving it so that it hovered just before Niall’s head. He tipped it over again and Niall held out his hand, the blue frost coming from his palm. The water spilled from the bottle and when it touched Niall’s blue frost, it froze and fell to the ground, shattering on contact. Niall smiled.

“Yes!” We heard the door handle turning and we all turned to look at the door. Zayn dropped the bottle and it hit the ground just as the door opened.

“Hey boys,” Paul said as he stepped into the room, “Everything okay in here? You guys look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

“Yeah we’re good,” Liam said quickly. Paul raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly.

“Okay…” he said, “Anyways, you guys need to get back to the bus, we’re making detour stops for promotions for the new album.” We nodded and gathered our things. I looked over at Lou and she smiled at me before leaving the gym.

“The five of you are going to different places,” Paul said, “Except for you Niall, you’re going to be promoting some new tablet.”

“Why just me?” Niall asked, swinging his gym bag over his shoulder. Paul just shrugged.

“The company asked for you specifically,” Paul said, “Don’t know why but management thinks it’s a good idea, so you’re going.” Niall nodded as the rest of us slung our gym bags over our shoulders, “C’mon boys, let’s go.”


THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE A ROMANCE STORY. No romance... I just want one story of mine to not have any romance in it.

I've been thinking of some superhero names for the boys... I definitely have Zayn's and the group's name figured out. The other I need to think about the other four names a bit more....

Anyways, until next time, later gaters!

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