Chapter 13

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Harry’s POV:

We filled Niall in on what’d happened since he first turned on the tablet and I’d healed him, just to be sure he wasn’t hurt. Niall got mad.

“Fucking asshole,” he said, “Nathan tricked me, the fucking bastard.”

“Head of X Tech?” Liam guessed. Niall nodded.

“So what is this thing?” Louis asked, tossing the melted tablet from one hand to the other, “Some kind of mind control device? A brain washer?”

“I don’t know,” Liam said, “But whatever it is, it’s going to be released worldwide in three months.”

“What is Nathan even trying to accomplish with these tablets?” Niall asked, “I mean, what’s the point?” I thought for a moment.

“There are ads for the tablet right?” I asked, “I remember seeing one earlier… hang on.” I walked towards the bunks and stopped in front of mine. I opened my bag and searched through it before pulling out my laptop and looking up the X Tech tablet. I walked back out to the others and showed them the ad that came up.

“X Tech,” I started, “Taking over the world one step at a time.”

“You don’t really think that slogan can be taken literally do you?” Liam asked, not looking like he believed what he was saying. It was a bit out there, but it made sense.

“It makes sense,” I said, “I mean, who would make a tablet that takes over someone’s mind without planning to do something with it. It’s a bit out there, I know that, but the slogan can’t be a coincidence.” Everyone was silent for a bit before someone spoke up.

“I hate to say it,” Louis said, “But I think Harry’s right.”

“Listen,” Caroline said, “I get that you guys want to figure out what’s going on at X Tech, but before you do anything, anything that requires you to use your powers, you need to have disguises. I’m already making the suits but I can’t finish them until I know what fabric they need to be made out of to accommodate to your powers.”

“So we need to figure out what all our powers are basically,” Liam said. Caroline nodded.

“The sooner the better.”

“Well,” Paul said, “There’re only a couple more shows left before you’ve got a month break. We can head back to London and find somewhere you can test out the powers safely without anyone finding out.”

“I’m surprised you aren’t telling us how stupid it’d be to do this,” Louis said. Paul shrugged.

“It’s for a good cause I suppose,” Paul said, “Plus, you’re just going to do it anyways so it’ll be better to make sure it’s safe instead of just letting you all do this on your own without taking any precautions. I do wish that- why is the sofa cold?” Paul looked down at the sofa and we followed his gaze and saw that the sofa had started freezing. Liam swore under his breath and walked back to the bunks and came back a couple minutes later with a pair of gloves in hand.

“You’ve gotta put these on Niall, before you freeze the whole bus. It’ll just be until we can actually practice our powers and get it under control.” Niall took the gloves from Liam and sighed before slipping the gloves on.

“Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let it show,” Niall said before chuckling. Louis groaned and covered his face with his hand.



Sorry for the super short filler chapter, I just couldn't figure out how to make this longer without writing something that I have planned for the next chapter.

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