Chapter 14

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Harry's POV:

We'd finished up the last few concerts of the tour and we were all back in London. We had a month before we were back on tour again so we were going to take this the free time that we had to figure out what powers we had.

All of us were meeting at Louis's flat before Paul was driving us and Lou to a location Paul'd found for us to test at. I got to Louis's door and opened it, being met with the smell of bacon frying. I closed the door and headed to the kitchen, where the rest of the boys were already sitting around Louis's counter. Louis was at the stove, flipping bacon with his bare fingers.

"Louis was the hell are you doing?" He looked back at me and smiled.

"I can't get burned," he said, "So I figured, what's the point of using a fork or a spatula to flip bacon when I can just turn it over myself." He moved towards his fridge and took out two slices of cheese and buttered two pieces of bread, "Here, watch this." Louis put the bread, buttered side out, and the two slices of cheese together and pressed them together in his hands. I heard sizzling and in less than a minute, Louis was holding a grilled cheese sandwich, "Cool huh?" The sandwich levitated out of his hand and flew over to Zayn, who grabbed it out of the air and took a bite out of it.

"Thanks for that Louis," he said. Louis just rolled his eyes and went back to flipping the bacon. 

Lou walked into the kitchen with a tablet in hand and she said hi to all of us before sitting down and typing on the tablet. 

"I've got a list of powers for you all to try," Lou said, "Like a list of every power imaginable. It'll take a while to try them all and I don't know how you guys'll test the powers out but we'll have to give this a try."

"Sounds good," Liam said, as Louis set the cooked bacon in the middle of the island, "Do you know where Paul's taking us?"

"Paul said that we'd be heading out to some meadow or deserted farm or something. Just a big, clear area where nothing can be burned down or harmed and no one but us will know what we're doing there," Lou explained.

"And how long do we have to test out powers?" I asked.

"A week," Lou said, "Then you have another week of promotions, this time all together," she added, glancing at Niall, "After that you'll have plenty of time off while Caroline and I finish the superhero outfits."

Lou searched some more on her tablet while the rest of us ate breakfast. Within half an hour, Paul had texted us to tell us he was waiting outside. We headed downstairs and nearly ran to the van Paul had parked outside.

Paul drove until we'd been out of the city for around an hour, then turned into a clearing and stopped the van. 

"Here we are," he said, turning off the ignition and taking out the keys, "No one for miles and, if we're lucky, nothing will get too out of hand out here. So Louis, just be careful and try not to set any nearby trees on fire."

"Will do Paul," Louis said as he climbed out of the van. Lou, the boys, and I got out of the van while Paul stayed in his seat. Lou turned on her tablet and opened up the list of powers.

"Alright, here's what we'll do," she started, "We'll go in categories. The five of you will spread out a bit to have some room and you'll try to do whatever the power is that you're trying out. Got it?" We nodded and started walking until we had a healthy amount of space between each of us, but could still hear Lou.

Lou skipped the powers that we couldn't test, the ones that would only be found out with time, and started with the ones we could test.

"Okay, we already know that Harry can regenerate," Lou said, "Niall has super speed..." She scrolled down the list and I looked at Liam, who was standing closest to me. He was staring down at the ground, waiting to start, "I really don't wanna know if these boys have demonic physiology." I snorted and Liam looked up at me.


"What Lou said." Liam looked at me confused.

"She didn't say anything." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Lou. I could still hear her, I could see her moving her mouth.

"She's talking right now..." Liam looked at her, then back at me. 

"I can't hear her, I can only see her mouth moving."

"So, what, I have super hearing?" Liam shrugged.

"I guess so." I heard Lou snort.

"How the hell is badassery a superpower?" I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"Okay," Lou said, louder, so the rest of the boys could hear her, "Let's start with darkness manipulation since that's the first on the list."

We tested out powers for the next three hours, learning that Zayn sense people's emotions and feel other's pain, Louis could heal himself with fire, and Niall could make objects with water, but we didn't find anymore powers for Liam or I. We stopped testing the powers after that. The boys and I were exhausted by the end of it and we ended up falling asleep on the way back to our flats.  

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