Chapter 29

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Louis's POV:

We had to get out of there as quick as we could. Police sirens were coming closer and we just tied Nathan up and left him for the police to find. They'd take care of him, we had other things on our mind.

We were at Harry's flat, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and I sitting around the living room. Niall had put Harry in his room and none of us could go in there. We just- we couldn't handle it.

We had no idea what we were going to do now. Harry was gone. We had no idea what to do with his body, we had no idea what to tell his family, no idea what to tell anyone. How could you even tell anyone what really happened? We could barely believe what happened ourselves, we were still trying to process everything.

There was a knock on the door and I looked around at the other three, none of them seemed to be moving from their spots anytime soon, so I stood up and headed towards the door. I was still in my suit, I didn't care who saw me, I just didn't care anymore, I really didn't.

Paul was at the door.

"Louis what's going on?" he asked, walking past me, into the flat, "There're pictures of what happened everywhere, pictures of you without your mask and Harry-" Paul paused and took a deep breath, "Is he really...?" I nodded and Paul closed his eyes. It was no secret that we were like sons to him, he'd be just as affected by what happened to Harry as we'd be. Paul moved farther into the flat, towards Harry's room, and I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

A few minutes later Paul came back into the room, his eyes red like he'd been crying.

"How?" he asked.

"Nathan," Liam said quietly. Paul nodded.

"He doesn't-" he took a deep breath, "Harry doesn't look all that beat up."

"What are you talking about?" I snapped, "He was fucking stabbed in the stomach and his fucking neck was snapped and he's got so many bones broken his bones are probably shattered."

"Louis, stop," Niall said.

"No," I said, "Harry's fucking dead. He's not coming back. He's not going to just heal and wake up again, he's fucking gone!"

"Louis," Liam snapped, "Shut up." I took a deep breath, shaking with a new sob and covered my mouth.

"He's not coming back," I whispered and my body shook with more sobs. Liam sighed and got up from where he was sitting and moved closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I let myself break.

"I let Nathan go in there," I said, "I could have stopped him but I didn't and now Harry's dead..."

"It's not your fault Lou," Liam said. I shook my head.

"I could've stopped him..."

"We were overwhelmed Louis," Zayn said, "There was nothing you could do."

"Hold on..." Paul said, "He was stabbed?" No one answered, "He doesn't have a stomach wound." I pulled away from Liam and looked up at Paul.


"When I was in his room," Paul said, "He didn't have a stomach wound." Nobody moved for a second.

I hurried down the hallway to Harry's room, pushing past Liam and Paul, and walked through the door.

Someone had closed his eyes, honestly, if they didn't know what happened, someone would think he was sleeping. Minus the blood, he just looked like he was sleeping.

I took a deep breath and walked closer, moving until I could sit down on the edge of the bed. I looked at the hole in Harry's suit and, like Paul said, the stab wound was gone.

I looked over Harry's body again, remembering the injuries he'd had when he fell. The bruises around his neck looked a lot more than a few hours old. He still had glass in some of his wounds, ones that Niall must have missed when he brought Harry here, and I had a feeling that if they were taken out, they'd heal. I took one of the larger pieces of glass and pulled it out, trying to ignore the flipping my stomach was experiencing at the sight. No blood came out, but within seconds, the cut sealed and healed.

I got off the bed and moved to the ensuite. After digging around the drawers and cabinets, I came up with tweezers and a container to put the pieces of glass in. It took a little while, but I found every piece of glass Niall had missed and pulled them out of the wounds, each cut healing as soon as the glass was gone.

I took a deep breath after taking the last piece of glass out and set the tweezers down. I looked over Harry again, making sure I got every last piece. My eyes stopped at the bruises on his neck and I saw that they looked better than when he came in.

Harry was healing.  


A.N.: I'll update again on Thursday! Just three more chapters and an epilogue left!!

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