Chapter 5

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Harry's POV:

The guy looked to the other boys, who were just seeing what was going on.

"Let him go man," Liam said, "We don't wanna hurt you."

"Ah fuck you guys," the guy said, "This is between me and him."

"Not anymore," Louis said, clicking his fingers, his hand bursting into flames, "You're gonna have to deal with us now." The guy's grip on my shirt loosened and I was able to get my shirt out of his grasp. I kicked at his legs and the guy fell to the ground. The guy quickly scrambled away from me and to his feet, running away and out of sight.

"Harry, what the fuck happened?" Louis asked, extinguishing his hand. Liam mumbled something about going to check for security cameras before he walked off down the hallway. I ignored Louis's question and turned to the girl, who still had her back to the wall, staring at Louis like he was an alien.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking over to her. She glanced at me, and then back to Louis, without saying a word. I sighed and asked her another question, "What's your name, love?" She looked at me again.

"Zelda," she said.

"Zelda?" Niall asked, "Like the video game?" Zelda nodded.

"Do you know who that guy was?" I asked and she nodded.

"He's a classmate," she said, "This happens all the time, it's really nothing..."

"That's not nothing," Louis said, "You should-" He was cut off by Paul calling for us to come back to the signing. Louis sighed, "Listen, come with us and we'll talk after the signing okay?" Zelda looked a little confused but agreed anyways. Liam came back, having confirmed that there weren't any cameras around, and we headed back to the signing, Zelda following us.

When the fans caught a glimpse of her, some of them immediately began calling out insults, while the others only screamed louder. Paul came up to us and looked at Zelda.


"We'll explain later," Louis said, "Can you just make sure she's okay until the signing's over?" Paul nodded and we went back to the table.

Once the signing was finished, Paul and the other security guards led the five of us and Zelda to the bus. We normally wouldn't do this, just bring some random girl who we only met an hour ago onto the bus, but this was different. She'd seen Louis's power, we couldn't just let her go and tell everyone.

Liam was the last one in the bus and he closed the door. We all sat around the bus and there was an awkward silence as we all waited for one of us to start talking.

"Okay," Liam said, "You seem surprisingly calm about all this Zelda..."

"About what?"

"About- about all of this! The fact that you were nearly beaten by a classmate, the fact that you saw Louis's hand burst into flames, the fact that you've been thrown insults by our fans, just- by all of it!!" Zelda shrugged.

"Yeah," she said, "I'm being calm about it. Freaking out isn't going to solve anything so there's no need." Liam just stared at her for a moment, then nodded slowly, accepting her answer.

"Okay," he said, "Have you done anything about what that guy does? Like, have you told anyone about it?" Zelda nodded.

"I have," she said, "But nothing gets done to stop it from happening, so I just do my best to ignore it."

"That's just bullshit," Liam said, getting angry now, "Why the fuck-"

"Liam..." Louis warned, cutting him off, "Calm down..."

"I just- that's bullshit, someone should be doing something about it!!" Liam exclaimed. He was always protective of the fans. He took it personally whenever one of them cried or when one was upset, even if it wasn't his fault. But when he found fans that got bullied, he was extra protective. He knew what it was like to get bullied and he knew what it felt like, he'd never wish it on even his worst enemy.

"I've gotten used to it," Zelda shrugged, "I didn't have a choice." Liam paused for a moment before getting up and walking off to the bunks.

"Sorry about him," Louis said a few seconds after Liam left, "He's just been in your place before." Zelda nodded, understanding, "We know you'll probably need to go soon, but we need to cover one thing first. You saw my hand burst into flames and not get burned, so I'm guessing you've put two and two together and you know about the powers..." Zelda nodded again, "You won't tell anyone, will you...?" Zelda shook her head immediately.

"Never," she said, smiling, "It's freaking awesome that you've got powers. And you can do so much with them, so why would I ruin that? Plus, let's be completely honest, who's really gonna believe me?" Zelda stood up and sighed, "I really do have to get going though. Thank you Harry, for helping me." We all stood up and said our goodbyes before Zelda headed towards the door.

"Wait!" Liam said, walking from the bunks to meet Zelda, "Listen, if you're ever having any problems at school or if it's getting to be too much for you, I want you to call me okay?" He handed her a piece of paper and she took it, "Don't think that you're bothering me, because you won't be okay? If I don't answer right away, I'll call you back okay?" Zelda nodded, smiling. Liam hugged her quick before she left.

Hey y'all!
I updated, yay!
Sorry for the delay. I got stuck and couldn't figure out what to do...
Not quite sure about this chapter but hey! It's a chapter!
Until next time, later gaters!

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