Chapter 4

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Liam's POV:

"He's gonna be seen," I said quietly, looking up at Louis as he flew around the sky.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Louis yelled as he flew by.

"He's having fun," Harry said, "Let him."

Louis continued flying around. Doing a few loops before calming down a little and coming back down to the ground. He extingished his flames and smiled up at us.

"That was awesome!" he said. Harry snorted and covered his mouth, turning away from Louis before bursting into a fit of giggles. Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" Louis asked. Then he looked down and realized what Harry was laughing at, "Shit," he said, covering himself up and running into the bus before anyone else saw that he was naked.

"I guess he's gonna need a fireproof supersuit," Niall said, shaking his head and laughing. We all walked into the bus and Niall, Harry, and I sat down.

"Anyone else tired?" Zayn asked, yawning and stretching.

"Not really," I replied. Harry and Niall nodded at what I said and Zayn nodded.

"Well, I am," Zayn said, "I'm gonna head off to bed. 'Night guys."

"'Night Zayn," we chorused. Zayn walked off to the bunks and it wasn't long before we heard his snores. Niall stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to the fridge, just as Louis walked over to us and sat down, now fully clothed.

"Well," Louis sighed, "Let's just hope Lou can make a fireproof supersuit so that doesn't happen again." Niall came back over to us, a bottle of water in hand.

"So what now?" he asked, "I mean, we've got these powers now, and who knows, maybe we'll discover that we have others too. But what do we do with them?"

"Did you hear any of what I said earlier?" Louis asked, turning to look at Niall, "We help people, save lives. What else are we gonna do with them?"

"We could do the opposite," Harry said. We all turned to look at him and he quickly spoke up, "Not that I'm suggesting we do, but it's a possiblity."

"I honestly don't think any of us would be capable of doing the opposite," I said, "But I agree with Louis. The only problem is how we're going to hide our identities while we're doing that."

"Masks?" Niall suggested. I shrugged.

"I suppose that could work for a little while," I said, "But someone could recognize us by our hair. You know how our fans can be, they're very observant."

"Let them make assumptions," Louis said, "It's not like we'd be out right confirming it."


"Liam we can't exactly do much else to hide this," Louis said, "Masks it'll be."

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