In anger, came the truth

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Ignoring the slight pain she felt in her arms due to the fighting she'd just done, y/n watched the agents walking away like a hawk.

They were in formation, marching away from the cabin and towards the village; just as wanda had ordered them to. Y/n understood the concept of mental manipulation, but her issues with trust caused her to believe that it wasn't going to be a sufficient resolution.

"You better hope that'll work." Y/n muttered to wanda who was pacing around the room.

"Oh, really? Really?" Wanda sarcastically repeated, baffled by y/n's words, "so it's my fault if we get found?"

"What? No, that's not what I'm saying." Y/n turned to her and denied, "I could've taken them on, wanda, I had them, why didn't you just believe me?"

"Because I saw one of them coming up behind you with a knife." She told her, her tone almost mocking.

"You think I didn't know it was there?" Y/n rhetorically asked her.

"What? Then why didn't you stop it?" Wanda asked in shock.

"Because it wasn't that close, I was going to turn around and block it before it could touch me." She explained, "I'm not stupid, I know what's happening when I'm in a fight."

Wanda gave her a look, "I promise, those agents won't come back for a while."

"And how do I know that's true?" She shrugged.

"You're just gonna have to trust me." Wanda told her.

"Why should I?" Y/n asked, which caught wanda off guard slightly, "you clearly don't trust me, do you, wanda?" She admitted with a sigh, "you won't let me do anything on my own, even when you've seen how good I am."

Wanda tried to explain, "I'm just considering the possibility of an-."

"No- no, you're not." She cut her off harshly, "I've had this happen to me before, I know what it's like to be held back, and that's exactly what you're doing to me. I know I'm not some magical witch, but I am a good agent... and I've devoted my life into training just to be taken seriously. Do you know how hard it is trying to make a name for yourself as a woman in an organisation filled with sexist men? Everyday I was undermined, pushed aside, ignored by the men I had to take orders from. I was out of that phase in shield, now I'm back into it with sword. Believe me, wanda, I don't need to be held back as much as you think, so just stop doing it." She took a pause to catch her breath, "I could've handled that fight if you just let me, and back in the village, I could've fought by your side but you told me no."

"And you didn't listen." Wanda shook her head with a shrug.

"Because you were losing." Y/n argued, "you were about to get shot, what did you want me to do, just walk away and hide?"

"Well, I would've wanted you to not hand yourself over to sword without question." Wanda mentioned, already sensing her claim would carry weight.

"Are you fucking kidding me, wanda? I didn't know they were trying to murder me until you told me. And, it's your fault, you started the most noticeable fight that's ever happened around here." Y/n yelled at her.

Wanda scoffed in response, "At least I saved you, YOU WOULD'VE DIED OTHERWISE!"

"Here it goes again, 'I saved you, I saved you' how many times are you gonna bring that up?" She sighed in annoyance, "And- and how did you even know I was there, wanda?"

"BECAUSE I CAN FEEL YOU!" Wanda admitted in a yell.

Her claim caused y/n to fall to a silence as she caught her breath, while wanda thought of the best way to explain how she felt. She knew she'd never be able to make y/n understand exactly, but she wanted to explain it in the easiest way possible.

"I don't know how, and I know know why." she shrugged, "but I can feel you, all the time. I can feel when you're in danger, I can feel when you're worried... I can feel you. And I haven't been able to stop feeling you since the day I met you. Even when you're not next to me, it feels like you are. Even when you were away in the village, I felt connected to you."

"No, that cant-." Y/n shook her head, "that can't be possible, I was so far away from you, how could you have possibly felt what I was feeling?"

"I don't know, but I just kept feeling it." She shrugged, "I kept feeling this headache, this aching pain in my skull, then I heard your thoughts in my head; you were talking about sword. I knew that..." she paused, trying to think of how to word it.

"You knew I was going to be hurt." Y/n gulped as she realised.

"Yeah." She nodded, "so I flew there, I got there as fast as I could to save you from the people who were going to betray you- the people who were going to KILL YOU!" She snapped, "and- and obviously that's not enough for you, considering the fact THAT YOU HATE ME!"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Y/n yelled back, offended at the claim.

Over the course of their argument, their tones grew harsher and they began shouting, but, of course, they didn't realise it due to how focused on their own side they were.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" Wanda sarcastically asked, "it took days for you to even want to stay in the same house as me. You chose to climb a mountain with a fucked up leg and to risk your life in a woods where you KNEW there would be wolves over staying one night here." She panted to catch her breath after letting all of that out, "god, it was so clear that you despised me from the moment you met me. I tried to be caring, I tried to help you, but it didn't make you hate me any less."

The more y/n listened to wanda shouting at her, the more the truth bubbled up inside, burning to be let out. After hearing wanda pouring her heart out with the anger and pain she felt, y/n decided to admit everything. It was going to be hard for her, yes, but she knew that, in her heart, there was no one else in the world she'd feel comfortable enough to open up to if it wasn't wanda.

Wanda continued, "I made you breakfast, I healed your leg, I saved you from wolves, and I thought it would make you like me. But, no, it didn't. Because all I ever got from you was hate-."

"I NEVER HATED YOU, WANDA!" She snapped, her voice strained in a yell.

The bold statement that flew from y/n's mouth caused the room to, once again, fall to a silence, the only sound being the two of them quietly catching their breath.

Wanda stood still in place, her eyes remaining locked with y/n's while her breath quietly trembled in anticipation.

"Yes, I was annoyingly persistent and, yes, I was a dick, but that was never because I hated you." Y/n explained, her voice still somewhat harbouring a shout, "I kept up the persona that I hated you because sword taught me to hate you, they manipulated me into hating you. But, god, i don't fucking hate you. How could I?" She rhetorically asked, "you're so fucking perfect. You're funny, you're smart, and you care so much, wanda, I have never met anyone like you. All those things I felt towards you, it wasn't hate. But I just didn't know how to fucking handle it because no ones ever been patient enough with me for me to like them. So, yeah, when you cared for me, I didn't know how to tell you... and now I do." She shrugged, letting go of any doubts, "so, here it is, wanda: I love you. So fucking much. But... I mean, I guess it's just not reciprocated, is it? I guess you don't love me back."

When y/n stopped talking, the room, once again, fell to a silence. However, unlike the last time, the silence was shattered within seconds due to the sound of wanda's feet along the floor as she darted forward.

Before y/n had any time to react, wanda gently grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her head closer to her, where she then crashed her lips against hers.

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