Chapter Sixty-Four

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"Alright Joon, I'll see you in a little bit." Jin watched as Namjoon stepped out of the apartment. He closed the door and all he could do was hope for the best. All he could do was hope he didn't get a phone call of Namjoon crying or anything like that.

Namjoon sat down inside of his car that was parked just outside of the apartment building, by Jungkook's. He was nervous. He couldn't deny the fact that he was really nervous. He didn't know if Hajoon was telling the truth or if it was just a whole plan for his parents to control him again. He wanted to believe so badly that Hajoon was telling the truth, but he didn't know.

He turned the keys to start the engine and pulled his seatbelt over him. This was it. In 30 minutes he would be pulling up to the last place he thought he would be headed to anytime soon. He put the car into drive and looked behind him to make sure he wasn't going to back into anyone, before stopping. He stared out the front windshield.

Was he making the right decision?

He had all these questions and scenarios running through his head. Only one of which was good. Only one would turn out good and not be a mess. Only one would result in everything turning out fine and nothing happening. Only one.

All these scenarios brought him back to when he left. The day of his high school graduation, when he finally got up enough courage to leave.


"Hey, Joonie!" Jin called. "We need to get going."

Namjoon had stayed over at Jin's this past night. He didn't want to deal with his parents. Today was the day he was finally going to leave and stand up for himself. He just wanted a clear mind before his graduation and to make sure this was really what he wanted. And it was. He wanted to leave, he didn't want his parents and brother to be a part of his life.

Jin had already told him that he could stay with him. Jin had a job and Namjoon had one lined up so they would both be able to support each other. Jin had done the math and they would have a little extra money each month.

"Alright," Namjoon responded. He was already dressed and ready to leave for the ceremony. "Yeah, let's get going." for once he was actually happy. He was happy to have accomplished this. He was happy to be breaking away from his parents tonight.

-Time Skip-

The ceremony was great and Namjoon felt like he was on top of the world. But he needed to come back down because Jin had just parked in front of his parent's house. He was trying to mentally prepare himself for what he needed to do and what he was going to say.

He needed to get his clothes and a few personal items. He didn't plan on saying goodbye, but he knew his father would probably wonder where he was yesterday. So he would have to tell him what he was doing, probably resulting in him getting mad. Hopefully, nothing would happen and everything would be good.

"I'll be back as quick as I can," Namjoon said, opening the car door and stepping out. He shut it behind him, walking up the walkway to the front door. He took a very deep breath. He was nervous. He was very nervous. But he had to get this done today or he never would.

He opened the door and walked inside. Nobody was in the living room as far as he could tell so he hurried down the hall and into his room. He grabbed two bags out of his closet and started shoving clothes into them. He placed as many as he could into the first bag, only closing it when he had almost all of his clothes inside of it. He placed the remaining in the other bag, before grabbing other things, like his charger, toothbrush, toothpaste. And many other things.

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