Filet Mooman, Off To See The Wizard

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Oh, Gods above and below I am pissed. That stupid, smelly, and ugly Grimm Mooman. Not only did he step on the Sword I named after Summer, but he also touched the last thing my mom and I made together. No Grimm is going to break Glimmer, no Grimm is going to touch it, other than to feel the bite of its blade, the sting of its steel.

I took this gargantuan Grimm smacking me to the ground. I took him smashing his fists into my back to protect Summer, and I even took them knocking Glimmer from my hands.

What I will not accept, what I will never accept is one of the Grimm trampling on this sacrosanct memory of my family.

"No one touches Glimmer. NO ONE!!"

It held a double meaning to me, for the sword was important, it was my connection to his dead mother, but if there was a chance that Summer would be hurt, I would throw down Glimmer and surrender. She was important, and to me, she is still alive. She is worth more than a chunk of metal ever could be, even one that is my biggest connection to my mother.

I then launched off at the chest of the Mooman. I slashed it as hard and as deep as he could with the blade. Lightning of both gold and silver colors bathed the blade in an ethereal light and sliced through the chest of the Grimm, causing it to howl, moo, and roar in anguish. I smirked, happy to have injured the great beastie, but then I saw that same ethereal light in the sky above the Mooman, I was confused. Was Pyrrha moving the Sword of Storms like she had Glimmer? I couldn't look up quickly, as that might give away the surprise if she was trying to help, however, that didn't mean I couldn't take a look in my peripherals to see... chaos, yeah... that's a good name for it. What else would you call a cookie monster, a pancake fiend, and an adrenaline junkie flying through the sky with either smirks or determined looks on their faces...or both.

So Yang, Nora, and Ruby have my sword, while it's pulsing with magic... that's just great. Actually, if it lets the girls see their mother, it actually is great, the only thing that isn't great is that they're literally jumping into danger that even I have a problem dealing with...adorable idiots. I sighed as Summer stood up behind me and gasped when she saw her daughters jumping into danger.

"Y/n! They're..."

I interrupted her with a knowing tone, as I taunted the giant Mancow.

"Yeah, I know Glimmer, I see 'em, but I'm giving them the time and the distraction to do whatever they're planning. The least I can do is less the danger they're in. I won't let your daughters die. That's a promise. As long as I draw breath, I won't let your daughters die."

With that, I dodged a blow from the Cowman and flashed Summer a smirk. At that, she pouted at me and crossed her arms. My smirk grew wider as I kept dodging, bit carefully keeping the mooing moron in one place so as not to interfere with the girls' plan. What I did do though, was keep my energy flowing through the Sword of Storms. It hits two birds with one stone. Not only will it give them the best chance of success, but it will also give Summer's girls a better chance to be able to see their mother again.

I didn't have to dodge long though. The chaotic, adrenaline fueled cookie loving mass of tri-colored petals was in position quite quickly. They switched back from the petals to corporeal form over the Grimm's massive head, with Yang using the other two as a platform to jump down from with my sword in her hands, ready to skewer The skull of the beast.

As if sensing this, the beast started to look up, but with a grit of my teeth, I lashed out with a large bolt of Gold Lightning, even though it took a lot of what I had left. This bastard wasn't gonna get a freebie look at the girls on my watch.

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