Percy III --- New York --- Goode Highschool

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I missed Wise Girl. That was the nickname that I had given her when we spent time together during the summer at camp Half Blood. In return she called me "Seaweed brain" and we decided to stick with the nicknames. When I saw her text in class, I wanted to answer so badly, it hurt! But I was in the first period, history, with Mr. Stenford. As I entered, I saw that the room had been set up for our new topic, which he had refused to tell us yesterday. I grinned because the pictures on the wall made it just too obvious. I took my seat and all the girls rushed over to sit next to me. Fortunately, Grover had arrived earlier and Mitch had grabbed the seat on my right. I was eternally grateful for my awesome friends. Then, Mr. Stenford walked in. He was wearing denim jeans and a shirt that said:

"Praise to Mother Earth!" I almost snorted. I'd had my own experiences first hand with Queen Dirt Face of Potty Sludge.

She didn't exactly deserve praise. "Morning class!" He said cheerily. "As you can see, we are ready for our new subject! Would anyone like to guess what it is?" He asked.

My hand shot up. "Percy Jackson?" He said, nodding at me to answer the question.

"Ancient Greece and Rome," I answered.

He looked surprised. So did my classmates.

"Very good, Mr. Jackson! That is correct!" He praised me.

I shot Grover a triumphant look. He was practically bouncing on his chair. This was unsurprisingly my best subject, not only did I live in a crazy world full of Greek and Roman monsters and gods, I even wrote a book about the Greek gods a few months ago!

Mr. Stenford started droning on about different gods and goddesses, who their parents were, and what they were the god or goddess of. He would also randomly pop quiz us on facts he had already stated.

"Percy! Who was Poseidon?" He asked. I smirked.

Of all the gods, he chose the easiest one for me. Poseidon was my dad.

"Poseidon was the god of the sea. He had a temper and was often called the Earthshaker because he caused earthquakes by striking the earth with his trident. He was married to Amphitrite. He was also considered one of Zeus's least favorite siblings. He was once banished to earth as a mortal because he tried to eliminate Zeus from his throne. Once he..." I continued. Again, gaping looks.

Mr. Stenford was speechless for a moment. "Very-- very good! That is all correct, but I didn't explain the earthquake part. Or the marriage part. Or the mortal part. Or... Well, you get the point. How did you know that?" He asked, still shocked.

"I go to a summer camp that focuses on Ancient Greek study," I answered. It wasn't exactly a lie, was it? ...

"See you guys!" I waved to my friends at the end of class.

Grover was coming over to my house and we were going to try and talk to Annabeth. I had replied to her text and nearly told my friends that I had a girlfriend, but I managed to keep it from them. 

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