Percy VI --- New York --- Goode High School

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I faced Annabeth. I was so excited to see her, I didn't know how to put it into words. Annabeth checked her watch.

"Seaweed Brain, if we're going to get to class on time we might just have to start getting on our way, like, now." She said.

I grinned at her. "Can I see your schedule?" I asked as we walked down the hall.

Annabeth sighed. "Fine, but then we're hurrying up!" She handed her schedule to me, and after about five minutes of deciphering (thanks dyslexia!), I managed to figure out our schedules were practically identical.

"Great! We have most of our classes together, except on Wednesdays I have swimming practice while you have a free period, and on Fridays you have Architectural Design when I have Marine Biology." I exclaimed.

Annabeth playfully punched my arm. "Typical of you, taking Marine Biology because you're part fish!" She joked.

"Now we better hurry to class. What do we have first?"

"English with Mr. Blofis," I replied.

I motioned for my friends to hurry up because Annabeth was not going to wait if it meant being late to class. When my friends caught up, they started asking questions.

"When did you guys meet?" Mitch asked.

I looked at Annabeth and she nodded, "I met Seaweed Brain over here when he was twelve." Annabeth said, jerking her thumb in my direction.

"And I met Wise Girl when she was twelve," I responded.

"Okay okay, these nicknames are starting to confuse me. Wise Girl? Seaweed Brain?" Alex asked.

"Well, Percy likes everything to do with water, and at camp we joke that he is part fish, and sometimes he can be so dumb, that you wonder if he actually has a brain, but seaweed fills his head instead. Heh, that rhymes." Annabeth replied.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Sorry, but it's true." She muttered, smirking.

"As for Wise Girl, she is kinda obsessed with knowledge and libraries and stuff. She always knows the answers to my questions, so I nicknamed her Wise Girl." I answered weakly.

"True," Annabeth said.

All my friends started laughing, again, for no reason. We reached the English classroom and I entered. Annabeth rushed in behind me, and my friends came too.

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