Percy XXVII---Beaches of Delphi

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I stumbled out of the rubble as Ouranos possessed Jason's body and was going to stomp Leo in the face when Annabeth pushed Leo out of the way and looked back at me. "Take out Scaramouche!" She yelled as she drew her dagger, "If we take out the summoner, there's a chance that Ouranos might leave!" I nodded my head and tackled Scaramouche out of an opening behind him. We tumbled down the hills of jungle vegetation and onto the beaches of Delphi. I jumped into the ocean and stayed there for a few minutes to recover from my injuries. As Scaramouche searched for me overhead, he said "Are you retreating already?! Is that all you got?!" I leaped out with Riptide at the ready and responded, "Nope."

As I landed in front of the man in the suit, he was visibly confused. "What did you do exactly?" he asked as we circled each other with our swords up. "I just called in a few friends," I responded as Scaramouche looked behind him to see a giant tidal wave in the shape of stampeding horses crashed over him. I was rejuvenated from the seawater that flowed around me but I still needed answers. I walked over to the soaking wet Scaramouche and pointed Riptide at his throat. I asked, "How do we save Jason?!" He responded with "My lord Ouranos will live on forever. Even if your friend dies, he will just find a new host." "What do you mean?!" I pressed on, but he just smiled. "I may not see the future, but a storm is coming. A new regime will rise and ther is nothing you can do to stop it." I slashed at the man but he just disappeared in a shimmer of golden light. I ran back up the steps to the temple. I had to warn my friends before Ouranos managed to destroy us all.

As I arrived at the battle Annabeth looked over at me and yelled, "Glad you're back! I could really use some help!" I rushed up next to her and told her about what Scaramouche had told me before glittering away. "I don't like the sound of that but we have more pressing issues right now!" She said as Jason dueled with Piper and Leo. "I don't want to fight you!" Piper pleaded with Jason as he pushed his golden sword against her dagger, Leo hurled a fireball at him and Jason turned his attention to Leo. But before Jason could do anything, a gunshot rang out throughout the chamber and Jason fell to the ground. 

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