Piper XIV --- Medbay of the Argo II

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This guy was as heavy as Frank. It took us 10 minutes to drag him to the medbay and the combined strength of Annabeth, Hazel, and I to get him onto one of the cots. I slumped down onto the floor, Annabeth and Hazel soon followed suit.

"What information are you going to get out of him anyway?" I asked.

"If what he says is true and he is The Eleventh Fatui Harbinger, then we could get a very powerful ally to fight against Ouranos," replied Annabeth.

"What happens if he's an enemy?" Hazel asked wearily looking at Childe's snoring form.

"We'll cross that bridge when we have to." Annabeth responded, "For now, let's focus on making sure he is okay and not dead from Franks attack."

As we observed Childe, I realized that he had scars all over his body. "Are these from monster attacks?" I asked.

"Not likely, monsters usually use claws or bites to attack. These look like sword and burn marks," replied Annabeth after studying the scars.

"What did he do in order to get injured like that?" Hazel asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Now that I think back on it, he said something about being The Eleventh Fatui Harbinger right?" I asked.

"Wait, if he is what he claims to be, then that explains the scars," Annabeth replied.

"According to legend, all of the Fatui Harbingers have to go through a hellish training regiment just to be accepted. Then they have assassinate an extremely powerful monster or demigod in order to become a Harbinger."

"He is self-confident, and brash, thriving on the sensation of being alive. A warrior at heart, he constantly seeks ways to grow stronger, no matter what methods he uses or how he obtains that power. He lusts for combat and grows excited by fighting particularly powerful enemies, even if it means he might die in the process" Said the white-hoodie wearing Calypso as she passed by the door, "I know because he was once the titan Atlas's bodyguard."

"So in short, he could be our best shot at taking out Ouranos?" I asked. "Yep, sounds like it," Hazel agreed.

Suddenly, we heard a commotion coming from on the deck. I thought that it was just Leo banging on some wood pieces but something felt off.

I turned around and shouted "Guys! Get up to the deck and bring Frank!" Hazel nodded and ran down the hallway looking for the buff asian dude.

As we rushed up the stairs and onto the main deck we saw a group of hooded figures surrounding Leo and Jason. Leo had a hammer in his hand and Jason brought his gladius up in a defensive motion. Finally, one of the hooded figures broke the standoff and walked over to the center of the deck. As he lifted his hood to reveal white spiky hair and eyes with omega shaped pupils, he smiled.

"Today is your day of reckoning, lay down your arms and surrender the Harbinger to us now and you will live." The man stated.

"What if we don't want to?" Leo retorted, as his hand burst into flames and engulfed his hammer.

"Then you shall die, tiny demigod" The white-haired man replied. That was when the medbay exploded and chaos ensued.

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